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Exercise Rubber Chapter 5

1. The latex vessel is located near the ______________.

2. The latex vessel run _____________ from the ____________ to the ____________.
3. Cloned rubber tree with ________ girth measurement at the height of __________ are ready to
be harvested.
4. The direction of tapping should be from the __________________ to the ____________ with a
slope of ___________ to make sure the latex can flow rapidly without overflow.
5. Upward tapping is done by tapping from the __________ to the ____________.
6. ____________ is used to increase the tapping yield by prolong the latex flow.
7. Ethefon (ET) are available in the form of _________, _________ and ___________.
8. Ethefon or Ethrel will produce _________ that helps stimulate the flow of latex.
9. Tapping system is the combination of length and pattern of cutting, _________________ and use
of Ethefon.
10. Tapping should be done to a depth of _________ close to the cambium.
11. Two (2) methods of LITS widely practice in the field are ____________ and ____________.
12. Fresh latex is slightly alkaline and will become acidic rapidly due to ______________.
13. ____________ is used to prevent the latex from coagulating.
14. ___________ is added coagulate latex.
15. Dry rubber content (DRC) of rubber is within the range of ___________ and it referred to the
rubber particle found in latex.
16. Latex concentration by creaming and centrifugation will produce _________ and _________.
17. The coagulated latex is used to produce block rubber and __________.
18. The sheet rubber contribute to the production of ____________, _____________ and air-dry
19. The ribbed smoked sheet (RSS) has a minimum ______________, ______________,
_____________ and ___________.
20. The sheets are passed through a pair of _____________ to give the sheets the ______________
as well as to _______________________.

1. Give (4) importance of dry rubber content (DRC) of rubber.
2. Give a (3) criteria of the suitable time for a rubber ready to be cut open or tapped.
3. Write the full description of the following tapping system combinations. And determine which of
the tapping system is considered as Low Intensity Tapping System (LITS) that can sustains the
rubber production.
i. 1S d/1 ET2.5% 2/y
ii. 1/2 d/3 ET5% 3/y
iii. 1/4S d/4 ET5% 3/y
iv. 1/4S d/1 ET2.5% 2/y
v. 1/8S d/5 ET2.5% 4/y

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