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Name: Earl Christian N. Heruela Date: 9/30/20
Section: Bernoulli Teacher: Jill Hilarion, LPT

Instructions: Print and annotate an article that you downloaded in Module 5. Highlight or
underline key words and ideas in the text as you read the article. Write explanations and
comments along the margins.

Paste the article you have read below. Make sure to include the title, author, and source
of the article. Please use annotations in latest versions of Microsoft Word, using comments
Impact of Text Messaging on Communication Commented [C1]: The title of the article. It is about the
By: Heidi Hemmer impact of text messaging on communication.
Commented [C2]: The author – Heidi Hemmer
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Speech 485: Senior Seminar Research Project Dr. Cronn-Mills


Interpersonal communication is vital for humans. People use interpersonal Commented [C3]: The very first sentence of the article,
communication all the time. Some forms of communication include: face to face communication, basically the introduction. Interpersonal communication is a
process of exchanging information; such as ideas ang
email, chats, facebook, myspace, instant messaging, and text messaging. Text messaging has knowledge, or might as well our feelings (informing others
become quite a communication phenomenon. People use text messaging to get dates, tell people what we feel); ang meaning through verbal ang non-verbal
messages. It is a face to face way of communicating others.
they love them or goodnight, avoid oral communication, coordinate times to meet up, connect
Commented [C4]: Refers to human. A group of individual
with friends, and even some places, such as Japan, look fashionable (Leung 2008). College or similar to “society”.
students use text messaging on a regular basis. Text messaging is a fast, easy, convenient, and an
Commented [C5]: Most common and much more
easy way to multitask ( Grinter & Eldrige, 2001). effective way of communicating.

But is text messaging use out of control? According to Perry and Lee (2007) Text Commented [C6]: Communicating through email is
usually used for offices or in a field that professionalism is
messaging is displacing face-to-face communication (p.74). Text messaging is used a lot, required. For example, sending an update through email for
especially among college students, because of the convenience. Text messaging may even be your boss.

addicting (Lee & Perry). College students text in class, on dates, in the movie theatre, at the office, Commented [C7]: Can be done through cellphones. One
way of communication with the use of technologies.
in the mall, and even text while driving.
Commented [C8]: Observable fact or event.
Commented [C9]: A way of communication with the
technology. It doesn’t need a face to face communication. It also a way of exchanging information, thoughts, and etc.
ntext=jur through text messaging.
Commented [C10]: An asking phrase to make the reader
to have a questionable thought. To let the reader read more
about the article so answer the question.
Commented [C11]: Supporting phrase for the article’s
main idea.
Commented [C12]: The main subject of the article.
Commented [C13]: This is the most common things that
usually a college student would do, well it’s a teenage stuffs
like dating and so on.
Commented [C14]: The source of the article.
Instructions: Prepare an outline of the article you read in the Module Jumpstart. Identify
the main idea, supporting ideas, and evidence presented. Afterwards, write a 100-word
summary of the article.


Impact of Text Messaging on Communication --- By: Heidi Hemmer

Main Idea:
It is about the college students and their use of text messages. It concerns about the face to
face communication; does it displaced the face to face communication or not?

Interpersonal communication is vital for humans.
> Forms of Communication
- face to face communication
- email
- chats
- facebook
- myspace
- instant messaging
- text messaging

The article is about the use of text messaging in communicating with the help
of technology. The cause and its effect, probably the positive output and the
negative output.

The article is about the impact of text messaging in communicating others. It is an

interpersonal communication which is text messaging is one of them. Interpersonal
communication is the process by which people exchange information; such as ideas and
knowledge, or might as well our feelings; and meaning through verbal and non-verbal
messages. The study used two groups to learn about college students and their use of text
messages in communicating. It was stated that there are lots of ways in communication but
text messaging was focused because it is usually used by students, especially the college
students. The main focus of the study or the main goal is to find if text messaging displaced
face to face communication of the college students or to the community. The positive and
negative effect of text messaging in communication.

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