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Kelpy Flavor Kelp Bread

This bread recipe uses kelp as a substitute for a portion of its traditional flour. When I first made
this recipe, I thought it would be difficult for it to rise with less gluten from flour. Gluten in regular
flour creates a matrix, a series of bubbles and strong gaps, in the dough. These bubbles fill with
released gas from yeast reacting with sugar, inflating the dough and causing it to take on a fluffy
form. The holes in bread are a result of this. Something important to note is the amount of kelp
flour used in this recipe. It is decidedly little in comparison to the amount of regular flour, but for
good reason. After a couple of experiments I learned the more bland a baked good is, the less
kelp flour it should contain. Kelp flour can be overpowering and regular white bread doesn’t
possess a very strong flavor, so adding less can level it out and make a delicious kelp bread.

Total time to prepare and cook - 28 hours


● 3 ½ cups white flour

● ½ - 1 cup ground sugar kelp flour(this can be substituted with most any kind of dried
seaweed flour)
● ¼ - ½ cup oats
● 2 tbsp salt
● 1 tsp yeast
● 1 tsp sugar
● Water


1. The first step is to mix the flour, seaweed flour, oats, salt, yeast, and sugar. Whisk these
together with a fork in a non-metal bowl.
2. Add water in. There isn’t a specific amount, but add water until the dough is doughy and
blends well.
3. Let this mixture sit for 24 hours while covered in a cloth, then add a little more flour until
it looks like a typical dough and allow to rise for another 2 hours in a warm spot.
4. Preheat the oven to 425 and bake the dough in a cast iron, dutch oven, or any bread
baking set up for 30 mins with a lid. After this, remove the lid and cook it for another 30
mins. Remove from the oven and quickly take it out of the cast iron to cool.
Kelp Pizza Dough

This is a quick and easy homemade pizza dough incorporating ground sugar kelp flour. It
creates a soft and delicious base to any kind of pizza, whether it's mushrooms or anchovies, this
dough will work for you. You can use this recipe to make pizza for any occasion. A big thing to
note is that the dough may not have a strong flavor, but the toppings and sauce will. This can
affect how much kelp you can put in the dough. For this recipe it is possible to add a lot more
kelp without giving your pizza a strong seaweed flavor, unless that's what you’re going for, then I
recommend going all in!

Time to complete - roughly 2 hours


● 2 ½ cups white flour or whole wheat flour

● ½ cup of kelp flour (if you are worried about too strong of a kelp flavor you can lessen
this amount)
● 1 tsp yeast
● 1 ½ tsp salt
● ½ tsp garlic powder
● 1 ½ tbsp olive oil
● 1 cup warm water


1. Pour the flour into a non-metal bowl and mix in kelp flour. Create a mound with a small
pool on the top of the flour and pour in yeast. Pour salt and garlic powder around the
mound and then add olive oil and warm water.
2. Mix thoroughly, adding flour or water where needed.
3. Allow to rise for 1-2 hours in a warm place until it doubles in size.
4. Preheat the oven to 425.
5. Roll out dough and prepare pizza toppings. I recommend a strong flavored sauce like
pesto or marinara.
6. Cook for 12-15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the dough is cooked.
Kelp Cookies

This recipe creates a green oatmeal, chocolate chip cookie. It is incredibly simple but this
simplicity does not hinder its deliciousness! Originally chocolate cookies were created because
a woman didn’t have cocoa powder. To combat this, she put chocolate chips in, hoping they
would evenly distribute and make the whole cookie chocolate. This didn’t work and the
chocolate chip cookie was invented! Now we add kelp!

Time to complete - 30 minutes


● 1 cup white sugar

● 1 cup brown sugar
● 1 cup butter
● 2 eggs
● 1 tsp vanilla extract
● 1 ⅔ cup flour
● ¼ cup kelp flour
● 1 tsp baking soda
● 1 ½ tsp salt
● 3 tsp cinnamon
● 3 cups oats
● 1 cup chocolate chips

1. Soften butter
2. Preheat oven to 350˚ and prepare 2 baking sheets
3. Mix softened butter and sugars together in a large bowl until they are creamed together.
After this, add in both eggs and the vanilla extract and mix everything together. These
are your wet ingredients.
4. For your dry ingredients, mix flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon together and add it
to the wet ingredients. Mix these together thoroughly and add in chocolate chips.
5. After you have this mixture you should stir in your 3 cups of oats. This recipe does not
need to be refrigerated afterwards, so you can now put them on the baking sheet. Bake
the cookies for 10 mins then let cool.

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