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ANTAKİYAT/Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt/Volume:5 Sayı/Number:1

ANTAKIYAT Journal of Social and Theological Studies Sayfa/Page: 25-53

Selefin ve Halefin Tevil Yaklaşımları ve Bunun Tefsire Yansımaları1

Salaf and Khalaf's interpretation (Tawil) Approaches and Their

Reflections on the Tafseer
Murat ORAL
ORCID: 0000-0001-6289-1572
Ph. D. Research Assistant of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Theology Department of
Tafseer, Hatay/Turkey,

Makale Bilgisi/Article Info:

Geliş/Received: 08.03.2022 Düzeltme/Revised:08.05.2022 Kabul/Accepted:17.05.2022

Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article

Atıf / Cite as: Oral, M. (2022). Selefin ve Halefin Tevil Yaklaşımları ve Bunun Tefsire Yansımaları.
Antakiyat, 5(1), 25-53

The attributed meaning of concepts is of great importance in determining the approaches to
them. Therefore, in order to correctly understand the nature of the interlocutor's perception
of a concept, it is necessary to know the meanings he imposed on that concept. Although
the concepts used by the interlocutors are the same, the meanings they mean by them can
be different. This situation causes complexity in the meaning between the interlocutors. One
of such concepts is “Tawil”. The meanings that the salaf and the khalaf ascribe to the
concept of Tawil are different from each other. This requires that the two sides' approach to
the tawil is different from each other. The khalaf tried to evaluate/determine the tawill
approach of the salaf in his own definition of tawil without considering the different
meanings imposed on the concept of tawil. This attitude led the khalaf to misunderstand
salaf's interpretation approach and mispresent it. These misunderstandings and
mispresenting of the approaches have resulted in reaching conflictive and wrong in the
salaf’s and khalaf’s tafseer. In this study, we have revealed the meaning of the concept of
Tawil "according to Arabic language, Qur'an - Sunnah, and salaf and khalaf", also different
interpretation approaches of the salaf and khalaf have been tried to be determined. The
positive and negative aspects of these approaches and their reflections on tafseer are
mentioned, then it is stated with examples,which interpretation approach is closer to the
Key Words: Tafseer, Tawil, Approach, Salaf, Khalaf.

Kavramlara yüklenen anlamlar, onlara yönelik yaklaşımların belirlenmesinde büyük bir
öneme sahiptir. Dolayısıyla muhatabın bir kavram ile ilgili algısının mahiyetini doğru bir

Bu araştırma sürecinde TR Dizin 2021 kuralları kapsamında “Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel
Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesinde‟ yer alan tüm kurallara uyulmuş ve yönergenin ikinci
bölümünde yer alan “Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine Aykırı Eylemlerden” hiçbiri
gerçekleştirilmemiştir. Ayrıca bu araştırma “Etik Kurul İzni” gerektirmeyen bir çalışmadır.

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