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Ethical Consideration

The main concerns of our study were individuals who are custody on the codes of ethics, they are ICT
students that currently studying with the use of modern technologies. Therefore, I have to ensure their
safety, give full protection so that they will not lose their trust to the research that we conducted. We
followed ethical standards in conducting this study.


integrity is honesty and probity within the conduct of qualitative research and underpins ethical
practice in all the activities that comprise data collection and analysis. It is characterized by
openness and wholeness on the part of the researcher and can be understood as a type of
‘straightforwardness’ or ‘moral uprightness’ that rejects intentional duplicity and deceit.

 in turn, refers to a principle of virtuous being, which emphasizes a wide range of referents
including honesty, fidelity, moral integrity, moral rectitude, reciprocal affection, and gratitude,
and Driglam Namzha is a system of ordered and cultural behavior which emphasizes good
actions and morality such as showing respect, being obedient, disciplined, loyal, honest, just,
dutiful, responsible, and respectful of and dedicated to seniors and elders (Phuntsho, 2004).


In its purest sense, the idea of objectivity assumes that a truth or independent reality exists
outside of any investigation or observation. The researcher's task in this model is to uncover
this reality without contaminating it in any way.

Objectivity is said to negate subjectivity since it renders the observer a passive recipient of
external information, devoid of agency. And the researcher's subjectivity is said to negate the
possibility of objectively knowing a social psychological world.

Objectivity is said to negate

since it renders the observer a
passive recipient of external
information, devoid of
agency. And the researcher's
subjectivity is said to negate the
possibility of
objectively knowing a social
psychological world. The
investigator's values are
said to define the world that is

Confidentiality means that you know who the participants are, but you remove all identifying
information from your report. All participants have a right to privacy, so you should protect
their personal data for as long as you store or use it. Even when you can’t collect data
anonymously, you should secure confidentiality whenever you can.

Deductive disclosure, also known as internal confidentiality (Tolich, 2004), occurs when the
traits of individuals or groups make them identifiable in research reports (Sieber, 1992).

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