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1. What were some of the most relevant discoveries you made while working on this project?

a. About the challenges;

Communication is the difficulty I personally face with this project. It is challenging to

come together and put the necessary measures in place in order to accomplish the objective that
we set, especially given that the pandemic is still a problem. However, as long as we gave the team
the right agenda, we were still able to make things happen despite the difficulty we faced.

b. About yourself; and

I am a recluse. It can be challenging to connect with others at times, but thanks to this
project, I was able to make a difference and was encouraged to do so without hesitation, especially
with those I know share my objectives.

c. About your groupmates?

My teammates and I haven't met yet. But making a schedule and communicating clearly
helped. Working with them was simple, especially when everyone voiced their ideas.

2. After implementation, what are your thoughts about this over-all project?

Although some people would think this effort was tiny, it actually had a significant impact.
We were able to assist others in need through the effort. I began to understand that every action,
no matter how modest, results in a wonderful experience.

3. What is the most valuable/important thing you learned personally about the project?

That I am capable of making changes. Although it may sound corny, I genuinely believe I
am capable of doing it. And with other people's help, we can forge strong bonds with one another.

4. How will you use of what you’ve learned on this project in the future?

Any endeavor is possible as long as we are dedicated to it, make time for it, and establish
goals. With everything I've learned, I am confident that it is possible to support the community.
Along with execution, I have learned the importance of teamwork and perseverance in completing
any project.

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