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MTH101 (2023 FALL)

Question 1:
Find (fof)(x) and (gog)(x). Where f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = –x^2 + 5

1. (fof)(x):
First, we substitute f(x) into f(x) itself:
f(f(x)) = f(2x + 3)
Now, substitute 2x + 3 into f(x):
f(2x + 3) = 2(2x + 3) + 3
= 4x + 6 + 3
= 4x + 9

2. (gog)(x):
Similarly, we substitute g(x) into g(x) itself:
g(g(x)) = g(-x^2 + 5)
Now, substitute -x^2 + 5 into g(x):
g(-x^2 + 5) = -(x^2)^2 + 5^2
= -(x^4) + 25

Therefore, (fof)(x) = 4x + 9 and (gog)(x) = -(x^4) + 25.

Question 2:

Let's evaluate the limit as x approaches -3 of F(x):

Notice that when x ≠ -3, we can cancel out (x + 3) from the numerator and denominator,
leaving us with:

Now, put limit x = -3 into the expression, we get

To satisfy F(-3) = limx→-3 F(x), we need F(-3) to equal the limit, so k must also be equal to -
Therefore, the value of "k" that satisfies F(-3) = limx→-3 F(x) is k = -6.

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