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- Powered Fence Textures created
- Block of Netherite texture created
- Infested Stone texture added
- Infested Cobblestone texture created
- Infested Mossy Stone Bricks texture added
- Snow & Sandstone Anvil added
- Emerald Block reverted
- Prismarine Double Slab texture created
- Ore Textures added
- Gilded Blackstone texture added
- Powered Iron Door texture added
- Mossy Cobblestone Double slab texture created
- Mossy Stone Brick Double slab texture created
- Detector Rail texture created (powered & unpowered)
- Activator Rail texture created (powered & unpowered)
- Polished Andesite Double Slab texture created
- Acacia Planks Item fixed
- Glazed Terracotta Variants Added
- Oak Trapdoor changed to Oak Planks
- Jungle Trapdoor changed to Jungle Planks
- Powered Jungle Trapdoor changed to Spruce Planks
- Powered Birch Trapdoor changed to Birch Planks
- Dark Oak Double Slab Rotated to match
- Powered Dark Oak Trapdoor Rotated to match
- Red Nether Brick Double Slab Updated
- More New Paintings

- Blackstone texture created
- Polished Blackstone Bricks texture created
- Gilded Blackstone texture created
- Chiseled Polished Blackstone texture created
- Cracked Polished Blackstone texture created
- Warped Wart Block texture created
- Warped Door texture created
- Warped Planks texture created
- Crimson Door texture created
- Crimson Planks texture created
- Crimson Trapdoor texture created
- Warped Trapdoor texture created
- Stripped Crimson Stem texture created
- Stripped Warped Stem texture created
- Polished Blackstone texture added (courtesy of Bako)
- Chain texture added (courtesy of Bako)
- Nether Gold Ore texture created
- Quartz Bricks texture created
- Lever base changed
- Double Birch Slab fixed

- Redstone Dust Color Map Added (1-16 powered variants)(optifine only)
- Powered Door Textures Created
- Red Nether Brick Double Slab Texture Created
- Pressure Plate Down Textures Created
- Button Pressed Textures Created
- Weighted Pressure Plate Down Textures Created
- Purpur Pillar updated with outer border
- Custom Sky added (by Ratchet_97)(optifine only)
- Birch Double Slab alt textures added
- Jungle Door Item Texture Updated
- Back of Painting texture changed to black
- New Paintings added (courtesy of Fish & Bako)
- String texture repaired
- Iron Door Texture Created
- Sandstone Bottom changed to normal sandstone
- Banners fixed (courtesy of Bako)

- Acacia Stairs, Slabs, Fences changed to Snow
- Purpur Stairs, Slabs changed to Bedrock Texture
- Purpur Block Texture Created
- White Wood moved to Acacia Double Slab
- Birch Double Slab Texture Created
- Black Wood moved to Purpur Double Slab
- Dead Tube and Brain Coral Reverted

- Quartz wall changed to Smooth (Mossy Stone Brick Wall)
- Jungle Powered Trap Door Texture created
- Dark Oak Powered Trap Door Texture created
- White Glazed Terracota Texture reverted
- Pink Glazed Terracota Texture reverted
- Birch Trapdoor texture created
- Birch Powered Trap Door texture added

- Snow(Iron) Powered Trap Door added
- Honey Block Texture added
- Honey Comb Block Texture added
- Honey Bottle Texture added
- Bee Texture added
- Bee Nest Texture added
- Prismarine Double Brick Slab Texture added
- Red Sandstone Double Slab Texture added
- Red Glazed Terracota Texture added
- Blue Terracota Texture Replaced
- Pink Glazed Terracota Texture Reverted
- Magenta Glazed Terracota Texture Reverted
- Light Blue Glazed Terracota Texture Reverted
- White Glazed Terracota Texture Reverted
- Cyan Glazed Terracota Texture Replaced
- Cobblestone Double Slab Texture added
- Diorite Double Slab Texture added
- Nether Brick Double Slab Texture added
- Andesite Double Slab Texture added

- Fixed broken chest texture
- Fixed broken double chest texture (still needs polished)
- Fixed broken ender chest texture
- Redstone lamp reverted to old wokflows
- Redstone lamp on reverted to old wokflows
- Sea Lantern Texture added back
- Lever reverted to cobblestone base
- Emerald Block reverted to old wokflows
- Powered iron trapdoor reverted to old wokflows
- Flower pot reverted to old wokflows
- Double Stone Slab Texture replaced
- Quartz & sandstone anvil reverted (chipped & damaged)
- Dead Bubble Coral reverted to old wokflows
- Dead Brain Coral reverted to old wokflows
- Dead Tube Coral reverted to old wokflows
- Birch Trapdoor reverted to old wokflows
- Piston Top reverted to old wokflows
- Quartz Pillar & Top of Quartz pillar added back
- End Portal reverted to old wokflows (top, side, and eye)
- Bee Nest & Honeycomb texture added (Faithful Tpack Texture)
- Regular Shulker texture added

- connected textures regular glass
- sandstone wall
- sandstone anvil (damaged anvil)
- quartz anvil (chipped anvil)
- white concrete wall (mossy cobblestone wall)
- quartz pillar texture change
- infested cracked stone bricks
- snow trapdoor (powered iron trapdoor)
- new dead coral block textures
- spruce trapdoor powered (texture is broken atm)
- end portal frame
- eye of ender
- end stone
- fixed quartz walls (1.16)
- lever has bedrock base now
- removed sea lantern texture (will be changed later)
- cleaned up flower pot

- title loading screen fixed
- title loading screen added
- light gray glass and glass pane edited to connected glass texture
- crafting table connected texture added
- vine connected texture added
- petrified oak slab and double slab texture added
- birch trapdoor texture changed
- sweet berry bush texture altered slightly
- yellow wool textured altered slightly
- cornflower texture altered slightly
- turtle egg texture added
- very cracked turtle egg texture added
- infested stone brick texture added
- white terracotta texture altered slightly
- acacia trapdoor texture changed
- double stone slab texture altered slightly
- bamboo stage one texture altered slightly
- brown shulker box texture changed
- light gray shulker box texture changed
- gray shulker box texture changed
- yellow shulker box texture altered slightly
- birch sign texture changed slightly
- karrasko removed

- polished diorite double slab texture added
- cracked stone bricks texture changed
- stonebrick double slab texture changed

- stonebrick double slab texture changed
- endstone brick double slab texture changed
- smooth quartz double slab texture changed

- cut sandstone double slab texture changed
- chiseled red sandstone texture altered
- emerald block texture changed
- emerald ore texture altered slightly
- cut red sandstone double slab texture changed
- beehive texture added
- honey block texture added
- birch log variants added
- podzol texture changed
- black glazed terracotta texture moved to gray glazed terracotta
- new black glazed terracotta texture added
- piston face texture changed
- dried kelp textures altered slightly
- pink glazed terracotta texture altered slightly

- many 2d items changed to their 3d models
- brick double slab texture changed
- bamboo leaf texture changed
- purple glazed terracotta texture changed
- bone block top texture changed
- lecturn texture changed
- smooth sandstone double slab texture changed
- bottom sandstone texture

- acacia planks blockstate removed

- oxeye daisies have variants
- slabs, and double slabs all have variants
- bamboo texture changed

- oak, birch, spruce, jungle, and dark oak planks, slabs, and double slabs have
- composter texture changed
- conduit texture changed
- cornflower texture changed
- smithing table texture changed
- top texture is now bedrock tile
- iron bars texture changed
- black bars from uPflows
- iron door texture changed
- snow texture
- unlit campfire no longer has coal
- campfire particles is the same as torches
- end rod no longer has particle
- prismarine and dark prismarine double slab texture changed
- sandstone and red sandstone double slab texture changed
- quartz double slab texture changed
- stone and polished diorite double slab texture changed
- brick double slab texture changed
- end stone brick double slab texture changed
- oak, birch, spruce, jungle, and dark oak double slab texture changed
- oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia, and dark oak door texture changed
- oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia, and dark oak trapdoor texture changed
- concrete texture reverted to old wokflows
- end stone bricks reverted to old wokflows

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