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Gadia, Prince Oliver Lord, S.


1. Should Mr. Peterson tell the school administration of the impending boycott and picket line? Why, or why

If I were in the shoes of Mr. Peterson, I would consider many factors that each can affect the outcome of the
situation. I have to answer yes. Although Mr. Peterson has established a good teacher-student relationship with his
class, we should also consider the repercussion of the picketing. As mentioned in the story, there is a guaranteed
physical confrontation if the picketing and boycott would continue. As a good teacher, he should consider the health
and safety of his students but it would also jeopardize his relationship with them. I believe his choice would be the
lesser evil. I personally believe that there are many more ways besides picketing to help the union workers.

2. Where does your answer fall on the stages of moral development by Kohlberg? Explain clearly.

Based on my answer on the first question, my answer would fall on the 1st level which is Pre-Conventional,
specifically the 1st stage-Punishment Orientation. The consequence of the boycott and picketing would result in
physical confrontation. If I was in Mr. Peterson’s shoes, I would always consider my student’s safety. I also
considered the punishment of the students if the picketing and boycott would be successful, the student’s may be
expelled due to the violation of the school’s rules.

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