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Pipe Handler: Conduct a detailed inspection of the PH75, checking pin

connections, front and rear stabilizers, proper operation of clamp cylinder, and
hose / fitting integrity. Ensure that no hardware is missing or improper for
application, and that all hardware is safety wired. Remove one of the two grabber
assembly gate hinge pins and check its diameter using Vernier calipers. OEM OD
LV´$FFHSWDEOHZHDULV´ Measure pin boss to ensure it is not worn
not the grabber assembly is outfitted with a secondary gate pin retainer plate
underneath. If so, ensure it is properly attached and secured with safety wire.
block bolts to between 80 and 85 ft-lbs. Re-install or replace components as
required, then remove and check opposite gate hinge pin.

Upper Main Shaft: Remove the swivel pack (reverse threaded top and bottom).
Using a large flat-blade screwdriver, remove the rubber bearing shield to expose
the upper main shaft. Clean and inspect bearing shield. Coordinate with the
Driller to have him screw into a test joint and set the slips, but do not have him
lower the blocks to release weight. Using a dial indicator, check the quill end play
/ upper bearing tolerance as 25,000 ft-lbs is set on the slips according to the weight
outside of tolerance, remove the bearing retainer and adjust the number of shims so
that the end value is within acceptable tolerance.

Swivel Pack: Inspect seals, re-pack as required. _______


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