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1 (a) Using Fig. 1 describe and explain the movement of nutrients in a tropical rainforest

(b) Describe the nature of the vegetation in tropical rainforests. To what extent is this
influenced by climate? [20]

2 (a) Describe the factors that lead to the development of deep weathering profiles on
granite in tropical environments.

(b) To what extent do the nature of soils and climate cause problems for development of
tropical savanna ecosystems? [20]

3 (a) Describe how, and explain why, the soil profile characteristics of savanna soils
differ from those of tropical rainforest soils. [10]

(b) For one tropical ecosystem, explain the extent to which soil fertility can be affected by:

• exploitation of the ecosystem;

• sustainable management of the ecosystem. [20]

4 (a) Fig. 1 is a cross section diagram of a granite inselberg in a tropical region.

Explain how processes of weathering and erosion have operated in stages to produce
a granite inselberg in a tropical area, such as that shown in Fig. 1.
(b) Describe the changes in the structure of vegetation in moving across areas from
tropical rain forest to dry savanna. For one tropical ecosystem, explain the extent to
which the nature of the vegetation is a response to the climate. [20]

5 (a) Photograph A is a granite landform in South Africa.

Draw an annotated diagram identifying and describing the main features of the
landforms and explain their formation. [10]

(b) Describe the nature of savanna vegetation. To what extent does such vegetation
represent a response to climate and soils and how much to human interference? [20]

6 (a) Describe and explain the characteristics of monsoon and seasonally humid climates in
tropical areas. [10]

(b) Explain how the nature of the vegetation in the tropical rainforest has been
influenced by climate and human activities. [20]
7 (a) Explain how the migration of air masses and the ITCZ (inter tropical convergence
zone) can affect tropical climates. [10]

(b) Fig. 1 shows information concerning the destruction of tropical rainforests.

Describe and explain the effects of the different types of rain forest clearance and
suggest ways in which the rainforest ecosystem might be more sustainably
managed. [20]

8 (a) Explain the different types of weathering that occur in humid tropical environments

(b) Describe the landforms found in tropical limestone areas. Explain the influence of
climate, vegetation and rock structure upon the formation of these landforms. [20]
9 (a) Describe the characteristics of soils in tropical rainforest areas. Explain the factors
that have affected the formation of these soils. [10]

(b) Fig. 1 shows nutrient cycling in an area of tropical rainforest that has been cleared for
shifting cultivation.

Describe the nutrient cycling shown in Fig. 1 and explain the extent to which this
differs from the nutrient cycle found in undisturbed tropical rainforest. [20]

10 (a) Using examples, describe and explain the characteristics of monsoon climates in the
tropics. [10]

(b) Describe the landforms that have been developed in limestone in the tropics. To what
extent have climate, vegetation and weathering contributed to the shape of these
landforms? [20]

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