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Capstone Interview Question Results

1. What was the most challenging part of high school?

-covid: school boring, no leadership events or sports games
-balancing a busy schedule: work, sports, academics
-didn’t have a solid group of friends going into high school, changing friend groups
-keeping up with work, not falling behind
-keeping self-motivated, finding motivation to do homework
-losing long term friendships, groups changing
-balancing social academic work life
-pressure of university and future career
2. What was something you loved about high school?
-REC: fun to be involved, learned skills from it
-having classes with friends, making friends in new classes
-all the people she has met, really become herself, REC leadership
-meeting new people, REC leadership
-seeing friends everyday, high school opportunities, clubs, extracurriculars
-high school environment, REC
-seeing people and friends
-good group of friends, pushing you to be more social
3. Did you have a job? If so, how did you manage schoolwork?
-Yes, doing it as soon as you get home, get it done
-Yes, weekends were catch up time, study blocks at school, going to school early for extra help
-No (soccer), being organized, know your schedule and when things are due
-No (softball), take responsibly, not doing your work is letting yourself loose
-Yes, knowing your own schedule, give yourself enough time to do things
-Yes, do homework right away, get it done
-Yes, get most of the homework done during the week, have the weekend off
-Yes, focus at school, use time wisely
4. What was your most memorable moment during high school?
-seeing people you know in the hallway, the little interactions/catchups, REO rafting good
-making it to basketball provincials, experiences with sports
-scoring first basket of pep rally game a 3
-grade 8 day leadership event
-little moments during class, being real with the people you see everyday
-memorable teacher left a really positive mark on her
-school pep rallies, school insolvent
-covid, grade 10 was very different, living through pandemic
5. Something you didn’t expect about high school (good or bad)
-to be so involved (leadership)
-how much we weren't prepared for real life: taxes, finances, living on your own
-a lot more chill, lots of teachers who will support you, pick classes you like
-the amount of drama/conflict between people
-cliques and friend groups change, everybody is on the same level
-covid, lost lots of high school experience
-make such good friends, and find people you don’t like
-teachers are very chill not on you to hand in work
6. Classes you would recommend students to take
-REC, Genocide studies, gym with denhan
-REC, didn’t do it but saw it was fun, got fomo
-look at what classes you need for university, no summer school
-REC, learned lots from it
-Leadership, elective/fun course
-look at university requirements, Spanish
-social classes, genocide
-Ascend, REC leadership
7. Best ways to deal with stress or academic pressure
-ask for help when confused with work, getting work done not leaving it to last minute
-having heathy distractions: sports, good breaks throughout the day
-remember one test won’t matter overall, be open to constructive criticism
-learn to accept that it happened be ok with it
-distract yourself, watch a movie, go for a run, heathy outlet, take breaks
-playing a sport, having a heathy distraction, get out my head
-taking breaks, go do something fun
-study and do work daily, don’t procrastinate
8. What is a skill you learned from high school?
-Working with people you dislike
-communicating, interpersonal skills, working with people of different personalities
-don’t take yourself too seriously, everyone is always watching you and judging, no one cares
-people skills, leadership, talking to adults
-how to work with a variety of people, agree to disagree
-how to cope with busy schedule, time management
-communication skills, networking, making positive relationships
-perspective, having a good look on things
9. Any regrets? Wish you were more involved or took a certain class?
-not joining a sports team after grade 9
-not taking REC
-join a club if you want too, nothing to lose
-took more risks sooner: clubs, friends, dressed how you want too
-no reason to dwell it worked out well
-not trying more sports or clubs
-holding back because of certain people, not talking in class or going to an event
-making grade 11 year hard, not taking physics 11 and chem 12
10. What is one big take away/advice for younger students?
-be involved, join sports teams, leadership classes, school events
-be involved, join clubs if not sports or leadership, be a part of the school
-work hard: won’t regret it!, make the most of things
-don’t take IB if you're not 100 percent sure, take risks, be compassionate
-talk to new people, be involved, show up
-don’t care what others think
-don’t procrastinate
-put yourself out there, be involved, make school fun, make the best of everything
Make school fun

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