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11 Side Effects and

Complications of General
December 12, 2022
7 min read

By Shiza Khan, M.Sc. – Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics | Dietitian/Nutritionist

In this article:
 What Are the Possible Side Effects of Anesthesia?
 During Surgery
 After Surgery
 Preventing the Side Effects of General Anesthesia
 Complications and Risks Involved With Anesthesia
 Most-Asked Questions About Anesthesia
 Final Word

Anesthesiology is a branch of medicine that uses intravenous medicines to put you

in a state of unconsciousness for surgery. These medications are called

There are three types of anesthesia: general, local, and regional. General anesthesia
is the most potent form of anesthesia and typically puts the patient in a state of

Anesthesia is a medical necessity but also has some associated side effects
ranging from mild to severe. (1)(2)
Read on to take a deeper look at them.


What Are the Possible Side Effects of Anesthesia?

Here are some common side effects of general anesthetics. (3)

1. Nausea and vomiting after surgery

Feeling sick or nauseous after surgery (also called postoperative nausea and
vomiting) is a common side effect of general anesthesia. The most common
anesthetic responsible for it is morphine.
Your doctor may prescribe some medicines such as antiemetics to help reduce
nausea and vomiting. (4)

2. Shivering (hypothermia) and dizziness

Shivering is common among patients who wake up after receiving general

anesthesia. It occurs due to a drop in body temperature after surgery. (5)
Your doctor may prescribe some medicine to help reduce the shivering.

3. Sore throat or hoarseness

Sore throat or hoarseness may occur after surgery under general anesthesia. It
usually happens when a tube is inserted into your throat to help you breathe during
the surgery.


Your doctor may prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicines to help treat it. (6)

4. Tooth damage
Tooth damage or cuts to the lips or tongue may occur when a tube is inserted into
your throat during general anesthesia. Tooth damage is rare but can happen at
times. It may be possible to prevent it by using mouthguards. (7)

5. Hypothermia 
Hypothermia, or a drop in basal body temperature, is another unpreventable side
effect of anesthesia. Doctors usually take special measures to prevent it from
happening during surgery, but many patients go through it after the procedure. (8)

6. Impaired coordination or judgment

General anesthetics may make you feel drowsy or uncoordinated due to their potent
effects on the central nervous system. It is advisable to rest for at least 2–3 days
after surgery.

7. Postoperative delirium
Confusion or delirium is another side effect of general anesthesia. Older patients
usually feel more severe effects of it and may need to rest and be taken care of 1–2
weeks after surgery.

8. Muscle aches
Some surgeries under general anesthesia require a breathing tube to be inserted via
your throat. You may be given a muscle relaxant medicine for this purpose. This is a
common cause of muscle aches afterward.

9. Itching

Narcotics are painkiller medicines sometimes used with anesthetics. They may

cause itching and skin irritation.

10. Difficulty urinating or constipation

Surgeries on the lower half of the body may require the doctors to numb the area.
This can cause difficulty in bowel movements or urination for a while after the
surgery. The effects should resolve by themselves.

11. Others
More serious but rare complications include:
 Pneumothorax – This is a rare side effect that occurs when the needle of the anesthetic
injection accidentally pierces the lung. This can cause the lung to collapse or deflate
and may require emergency treatment from a pulmonologist. (9)
 Nerve damage – Very rarely, severe or permanent nerve damage may occur as a result
of general anesthesia. (10)

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