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GENBIO 122 WEEK 1-10

Short Quiz 2
1. During cytokinesis, a cell bud is formed to develop a new cell.
2. Which of the following connect the cells together?
Cell junctions
3. The cristae, matrix, inner and outer membranes are the parts of the mitochondrion.
4. Which of the following layer is important in the regulation of the entrance and exits of
materials in the cells?
Lipid Bilayer
5. Which of the following cells have no nucleus?
Red Blood Cells
6. Cells are made up only of the cell membrane and has no skeleton.
7. Which of the following does not describe cytoplasm?
It is usually located at the center of the cell
8. Which of the following is not a member of the endomembrane system?
9. Mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell.
10. Centrosomes are pairs of centrioles connected at the proximal ends

Assignment 3
1. There is friction between the ground and the claws of the bear.
2. The exoskeleton of arthropods grow continuously.
3. Joints connect the muscles.
4. Which layer is found below the dermis?
5. Bones grow continually through lifetime.
6. Moles are accumulation of what?
7. What is the classification of human skeleton
8. The lunula is the half-mone in the nail.
9. Osteoclast secrete more matrix than osteoblast.
10. What tissues make up the dermis?
Dense, irregular, connective tissues

Short Quiz 3
The hair shaft is above the integumentary layer.
ATP is not required for muscle movement.
Epimysium wraps the whole muscle
Dead cells accumulate in the skin surface and form protective layers.
Bone marrows produces white blood cells.
Which of the following is the main responsibility of the skin?
It acts as the initial line of defense against infection
The eponychium covers the developing nail.
Which layer generates new skin cells?
Stratum Basal
Which of the following does not make animals move in water?
Elastic collagen stores potential energy
Thyroid hormone signals when the calcium level in the blood is lower than normal.

Laboratory exercise 2

1. Which is not a symptom of parkinson’s disease? Recurrent Bleedings

2. What is the purpose of sonication? Lysing the cells to release their contents
3. Why s it important to select a good stationary phase? To retain the desired molecules and
separate them from the rest of the sample.
4. Which fraction do you want to use? (700 something)
5. Which technique would you use to separate proteins by charge? Ion exchange chromatography
6. Which parameter increases the resolution in size inclusion chromatography? A moderate flow
7. Which part of the chromatogram represents the aSN oligomers? The one eluted at 240-280 ml
8. When would you use a vesicle model for studying cell degeneration? In experiments where the
membrane needs to be tested.
9. Why do you need a negative control in your experiments? To measure how the assay works
under conditions where you should not get a positive outcome
10. What is the effect of asn monomers on LUVS? None, they remain the same
11. What is the effect of asn oligomers in the vesicles? They pop them.
12. What s the effect of asn oligomerization on LUVS? Membrane permeabilization
13. How does EGCG prevent ASN toxicity? By binding to the oligomers, it blocks permeabilization

Laboratory Quiz 2
1. These are aggregations of proteins in the neurons that influence the development of the
Alpha synuclein
2. This serves as the reference material of the analysis among the samples.
Control sample
3. This is the neurotransmitter that coordinates the voluntary movement.
4. What does the sonicator release on the sample?
Sound waves
5. The photomultiplier tube (PMT) converts light into heat energy that can be measured to form
an image.
6. What happens to the vesicles with the disease?
7. This describe a disease that worsen over time.
8. What are the useful control in the analysis?
Negative control
9. Which method is conducted to separate the aqueous layer from the particulate through
10. Cells being studied in living organisms may be considered which of the following?
In vivo

Long Quiz 1
1. Which of the following is considered as the simplest form of plants?
2. Which of the is an organic substance for bone mineralization?
3. The bone of insertion is the bone that moves.
4. Which term is used for a male cone?
5. Which of the following is considered as the secondary epidermis?
6. Bones contain calcium.
7. Which does not influence the name of the muscles?
8. Which of the following is not an example of a bryophyte?
9. The hair is composed of the following: medulla, the cuticle and the cortex.
10. Which of the following istrue about adipocytes?
Regulate insulin sensitivity
11. Hinge joint is a kind of tendon.
12. Which term is used for a female ovulate cone?
13. Which of the following is correct regarding bryophytes?
They lack vascular tissues
14. Which of the following is the two types of sclerenchyma cells?
Sclereids and cork
15. Which of the followingis the component of the outermost layer of the skin?
Squamous epithelial cells
16. Which is true?
Air, water and ground produce friction with moving animals
17. Which of the following is true?
Mature skeletal muscle cells no longer divide
18. Eumelanin are melanin that exist as black and brown
19. Which of the following is not a female part of a plant?
20. Which of the following is the first stage of stem cells?
21. Extrinsic muscles have both their origin and insertion within the appendages.
22. Which of the following is is the receptor cell in the skin?
Merkel cell
23. Which layer is the melanin located?
Stratum basal
24. Which layer is the melanin located?
Stem cell is the origin of the other cells
25. 2Which of the following is true?
Endothelial cells are located In the inner lining of blood vessels
26. Which of the following is not an example of a gymnosperm?
Acacia tree
27. Which of the following attach skeletal muscles to at least two bones?
28. Which of the following is true?
Old skin cells loss the nucleus and die
29. Keratinocytes act sunscreen.
30. The skin may gather information from the environment and send it to the brain.

Assignment 4
1. From the radial artery, the blood pressure can be measured. .
2. Which of the following is true?
Humans also have lymphs
3. Innate immunity functions after the estimated 12 hour protection of the other immunity.
4. There are two levels of immunity against infection.
5. Adenoids are located at the small intestine of the body?
No, it is located at the nasal cavity

Short quiz 4
1. The capillaries is where there is exchanges of gases.
2. Which among the blood vessels have direct connection with venule and arteriole?
3. Spleen belong to the immune system.
4. Which of the following does not make animals move in water?
Elastic collagen stores potential energy
5. Insects have heart in the circulatory system
6. The doctor describe the blood of your friend to be viscous than normal. What may be the
doctor is trying to describe?
7. tonsillitis is a disorder of immune system.
8. T cells have a team of other cells that fight infection.
9. Digestive enzymes contain substances that fight infections.
10. Ascending aorta receives the blood from the heart and distribute blood to the upper body
and not the lower body.

Laboratory Quiz 3
1. Blood type of the person is important. What are being identified in a blood type?
Both antigens and antibodies of the blood
2. Which is formed when an antigen is addressed by the antibody?
Antigen-antibody complex
3. The cells that produces antibodies?
4. Which of the following is being dropped into the cards to identify the blood type?
Blood sample
5. Antibodies can be transferred from one individual to another.
True through passive immunity
6. During blood transfusion, blood types are important. Who can donate to everyone with
varying blood types?
7. Which of the following is used to mix blood on the card spots?
Elton stick
8. Which of the following helps the producer cell of antibodies?
9. There are noncovalent bonds formed when the antibody reacts to the antigen.
10. What is the inherited protein found on the surface of the RBC?
Rhesus factor

Assignment 5
1. Which not a function of the respiratory system?
Circulate the blood throughout the body
2. Deoxygenated blood is distributed to the different parts of the body.
3. What carry oxygenated blood in the lungs?
Pulmonary arteries
4. From the trachea, to which pathway does the air go?
5. How does the fishes release the water outward?
By closing the mouth and opening the gill cover
Short Quiz 5
1. How are the respiratory structures of cartilaginous fishes called?
Gill Slits
2. Which has the smallest diameter?
3. Pure oxygen is being inhaled by the body.
4. Cellular gas waste is removed from the body.
5. Which come first between pharynx and larynx?
6. When do fishes enlarge the oral cavity?
When water comes in
7. Epiglottis is a flap of tissue that guides the passage of food and air.
8. Air is warmed, heated and filtered in the lungs.
9. How long can humans survive without oxygen?
3-6 minutes
10. For every inhalation, there is a sequential exhalation.

Laboratory Exam 1
Krebs cycle is also known as citric acid cycle.
Which is being used as sample for cellular respiration?
ATP synthase produces ATP.
Anaerobic respiration can take place with or without oxygen?
Respirometry measures the gas in the body. Which is the specific gas?
What is the range for normal lactic acid without intensive activity?

4.5-19.8 mg/dL
Where does the electron released go in the Krebs cycle?

Electron transport chain

What is the output product of glycolysis?

What measures the blood sugar in the experiment?

Glucose meter

Assignment 6
Large intestine absorbs nutrients from the food.

What is the correct sequence?

Cecum, colon, rectum, anus

Stomach stores food.

What are associated with the brush border?

Villi and microvilli

Gastric acid is initially secreted in the esophagus down the stomach.


Short Quiz 6
Which come first between pharynx and larynx?

The tendency of the gases to flow influences respiration.

Gills of amphibians develop into lungs.
Air is warmed, heated and filtered in the lungs.
When do fishes enlarge the oral cavity?
When water comes in
Cellular gas waste is removed from the body.
Epiglottis is a flap of tissue that guides the passage of food and air.
Which has the smallest diameter?
How are the respiratory structures of cartilaginous fishes called?
Gill slits
Pure oxygen is being inhaled by the body.

Laboratory Quiz 5
There is a belief that fats are not good to the body. Which of the following is a function of fats?
Proteins are saccharides. Proteins are classified as simple saccharides and polysaccharides.
{= Both statements are wrong.
~ Both statements are correct.
~ First statement is correct.
~ Second statement is correct.

Maintain the body temperature

An aldehyde portion in a saccharide is characterized by which group?
In the experiment, there is the positive and negative control to test the presence of sugar. What are

Potato and water

At which temperature was the hot plate set for the Benedict's test?

Humans can digest cellulose.
Why is milk considered a whole food?
It contains carbohydrates., proteins and fats
Which of the following is formed in the Benedict's test?
Copper oxide
There can be different sugars located in foods. Which sugar is in milk?
Lipids are polymers. Carbohydrates are monomers.

Dimers and trimers are oligomers

~ False
~ May be
~ Sometimes
Which of the following is being detected by the Benedict's test?
{= simple sugar
~ carbohydrates
~ proteins
~ fats

Both statements are wrong

Carbohydrates are composed mainly of three elements. Which of the following is not a common
element of carbohydrates?

Assignment 7
The larger blood vessels branch to smaller and smaller vessels. What is the sequence of size?
Arteries, arterioles, capillaries
Between the marine and freshwater fish, which takes in seawater by gulpin?
Marine fish
Which of the following is not excreted by the urinary system?
The blood is insects are filtered and ions are reabsorbed with the malphigian tubules
Insects have also ways to recycle ions and nutrients in the hemolymph.

Short quiz 7
Between the marine and freshwater fish, which actively take in dissolved ions in water?
Freshwater fish
When is the signal sent to the nervous system?
When the urine-collecting organ is full
To ensure balance of liquid, humans must continually take in salty foods.
Kidney also balances the pH of the body fluid. Is it true or false?
Ammonia is a gas but is excreted in what form?
Blood enters the left kidney and the right kidney before going to the heart. .
Cortex and medulla are zones of kidneys.
How is the blood cleansed by the body ?
Through the kidney
Nephridia are part of the human kidney.
Nonreabsorbed liquids become urine and transported to the ureter.

Laboratory Quiz 6
Which is the common disease characterized by the malfunction in the absorption of the body sugar?
Diabetes mellitus
Which of the following does not affect the sugar in #5?
Which of the following is not an example of diabetes?
Type III
What is not a symptom of diabetes?
Shivering body
The body may be provided with external source of insulin to treat diabetes.
What should happen to the food that turned to sugar in the body?
Absorb by the cells
Which increases blood sugar?
Eating ice cream
Which characterize diabetes?
High blood sugar level
Is the disease in number 2 hereditary?
Is the disease in number 2 hereditary?
Based on the experiment from which finger was the sample collected?
Ring finger

Long Quiz 2
The lymph vessels have different pathways with the blood vessels. Is it true or false?
True, circulatory system differs with the lympathic system
What are the nodes close to the armpits?
What are the two groups of the human digestive organs?
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract and accessory digestive organs
Which of the following organs have almost the same fist-size?
Heart and spleen
Which of the following happens during blot clot?
Fibrinogen to fibrin
What is the usual respiratory surface in an organism?
Which of the following is true?
Macrophages eat the foreign body
Which belong to each other?
atrium: ventricle::oxygenated blood: deoxygenated blood

The human circulatory system has one circuits

Which part of the heart receives the blood from other parts of the body?

Autism is a disorder on what body part?

Villi increase the surface area of the small intestine.

Tonsils are two patches of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat.

Which is correct?

Horse: hindgutfermenter ::dog:monogastrics

Which of the following is true?

There is less concentration of oxygen in water than in air

Which of the following go together?

Which belong to each other?

mitral valve:tricuspid valve::left chambers:right chambers

Which immunity the body needs to develop for the second attack?

Adaptive immunity
Male and female brittle star release sperm and eggs into the ocean. Is this true or false?

True, both male and female spawn their eggs

What are the inner zones of the kidney?

Renal cortex and the inner renal medulla

Cellular debris, pathogens and foreign cells are transported to the lymph nodes.
Natural killer cells and macrophages belong to innate immunity.
What disorder is characterized by life-threatening hypersensitivity to allergen?
Anaphylactic shock

Final Quarter Exam

How are the cellular gas waste remove from the body?
Through exhalation
Which of the following is considered the "stem cells" of plants?
Meristematic tissues
How are the exoskeleton of insects called?
How long is the average life of the RBC?
What is characterized by the halt of blood flow in the wound?
Fragmentation is a kind of what reproduction?
Asexual reproduction
Which of the following is true?
Hair: flat, keratinized plates
Which of the following is true?
Nails: elongated, keratinized plates
How are enzymes important in digestion?
These help breakdown food into simpler molecules
Bone marrow is the site of development of B cells.
Which of the following is true?
The thick skin is found on the soles of the feet and palms of hands
Which of the two is more difficult to digest?
Animal fats
Which belong to a group?
Epiglottis, esophagus, vocal cord, glottis and subglottis
Which of the following best describes what an ovary is?
It is the enlarged base of the stamen in which ovule formation occurs
Pressure gradients in the lungs are created by the contractions and relaxations of the respiratory
What is the two classifications of angiosperms?
Monocots and eudicots
What junctions are located in the skin?
Tight junctions
Which do not belong to the group?
Small intestine
Farcomeres are the contractile units of muscle fibers.
What allows the air to enter the respiratory structure in humans and mammals?
Pressure and concentration gradients
Which of the following is true?
Cells are considered as the basic unit of life
Angiosperms are considered as the simplest form of plants.
What body surface is responsible for the respiration of nematodes?
Why are spiracles needed in insects?
The bodies are composed of hard plate integuments
How many chambers are there in the stomach of ruminants?
When enzymes are secreted, what digestion is happening?
Chemical digestion
Which of the following is an example of bryophytes?
What makes up the medulla of the shaft of the hair?
Soft keratin
Monocots will only have one pore or furrow.
At which cavity is the heart located?
Thoracic cavity
Which among the parts is considered as the true stomach of birds?
Does friction form in the heart?
Yes and is reduced by the blood in the heart
Which is correct?
Carotid: brain:: coronary: heart
How is the testes secured in place?
Through the spermatic cord
The floor of the mouth of frogs fall as they eat.
False, the floor of the mouth falls when these respire
Lignins are present in vascular plants.
What are the capillaries in the Bowman's capsule?
Vitamin D comes only from the sun and cannot be produced by the body.
Nucleoplasm is located inside the nucleus
Yes, it is inside the nuclear envelope
Arthropods excrete excess ammonia from the body.
What is being characterized by contraction of muscle, upward movement of the ribs and increase of
the body cavity?
What are the white blood cells that produce specific antibodies?
B cell and t cell
What is the pH of urine that may suggest infection?
Which is true?
Heterotroph cannot produce their own food
What joint is in the tarsal bones?
Hinge joint

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