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bienvenido al proceso de reclutamiento para el programa de becas de la academia, el objetivo de

estas actividades es evaluar su nivel de inglés, como recordar su gramática, pronunciación y

acento, esta posición requiere tener comunicación con personas extranjeras, personas que no
hablan español, por eso tener un excelente nivel de inglés avanzado y conversacional
indispensable para evaluar tu nivel de inglés, queremos que nos cuentes el motivo por el cual
eliges tu carrera profesional y cómo te ves en el futuro por ejemplo dentro de 10 años, además
sabemos que el La situación actual del covid 19 ha estado afectando al resto del mundo, queremos
que nos cuentes tu opinión personal sobre la situación en México y algunas recomendaciones para
reducir los contagios. Solo tienes 5 minutos para responder todas las preguntas, ni más ni menos.
Gracias por sus respuestas

Hello, my name is Cesar Cordova and I chose the petroleum engineering career because
for me it is the most important industry in Mexico for the storage, exploitation and
production of hydrocarbons. When I was 18 years old, I investigated more about the oil
industry and I liked the process that it takes to drill, the tools that are needed to carry out
the drilling and the advanced technology that is used to drill or know where the
hydrocarbon is stored.
In 10 years I see myself working in the SLB company, being one of the best in the area that
I perform, such as drilling or well design. I see myself as a responsible, sociable and
hardworking person. With a lot of knowledge of the oil industry
In Mexico, the Covid 19 situation was very serious since every day there were thousands of
people infected with Covid 19, this situation made us look for solutions to communicate
with people. Where technology played a very important role in being able to carry out our
activities, such as making video calls or working from the computer to be able to work,
take classes or talk with your family.
Some of the recommendations so that there are no more infections, we must use face
masks, we must use antibacterial gel, we must not go to places where there are many
people, we must not touch our faces with our hands.

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