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El producto final que usted debe entregar se trata de un escrito de mínimo 15

líneas en las que explique y reflexione acerca del impacto de la pandemia
Covid-19 en nuestro contexto local. Es indispensable que utilice correctamente
todas las expresiones verbales sobre “success” y los tiempos presente, pasado
y futuro simple en sus estructuras afirmativas y negativas. Es importante aclarar que el
escrito debe surgir de su creatividad, no se acepta copia de ninguna fuente. Dicho texto
debe estar en inglés para enviarlo a la plataforma o al correo

For approximately 4 months, a deadly virus arrived in Colombia, which has killed
thousands of people worldwide, this virus was named Covid-19, therefore, all people have
had to live in quarantine and we have not been able to going out, which lifestyle and
lifestyle that we had before has changed a lot for example to have children before it was
easier since now you live in fear of the child suffering from this virus, many people who
had plans to get married have made virtual weddings or with fewer people than they had
planned or have postponed the wedding, many people wanted to go abroad and because
of this contingency it was not possible since the airports have closed, many celebrities
appear on tv giving their voices of encouragement and strength, this quotation has been
so difficult that we young people who study have not been able to go to university, we
have to do virtual classes, in these times, buy a house or a flat is good because many
people are leaving their properties very cheap due to lack of money, a good thing about
this contingency is that digital commerce is being promoted, having publications of: start
your own business, earn 1 million selling our products, go round the world saving people
among other ads, other people choose to be youtube to become famous and thus have
some income for their home, many people take advantage of this confinement to get out
of the monotony to write a book, rest a little, do yoga, cook among other things. Also
many people had the illusion that it was going to be a good year that they were going to
fulfill their purposes such as learmn how to drive, buy a car, exercise among others, but
all this has been very difficult, these goals could not be fully met, the economy has
decreased, for these and many reasons it is expected that the citation of this contingency
will be better so that in the future we can live more calmly, to be able to visit our loved
ones, hug them and kiss them.

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