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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City


NAME OF ACTIVITY/S : FEEDING PROGRAM (Gutom na Tiyan, Mahinang Kaisipan!)

ACTUAL DATE : January 04, 2023 to January 15, 2023

PARTICIPANTS : Teachers, PTA, Stakeholders and Identified Wasted and Severely

Wasted Student of Sirawan National High School

ACTIVITY INCHARGE : Jerlyn L. Pili School Feeding Coordinator


The Sirawan National High School continues its mission not only in providing academic
service but also giving utmost consideration of the health and nutrition of our students in
coordination with the School Nutrition Coordinator in monitoring of the Health of our learners and
in providing food ration. The feeding program for students will still continue even under a new
learning system as the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic in accord
with the mandated health and safety protocols.

As part of our innovation in monitoring the nutritional status of our learners, we do partnerships
with the Local Government unit of Brgy. Sirawan headed by Brgy. Captain Khalil A. Deporos
with the Kagawad Nestor Gilves Jr. as the Committee on Education and some of our supportive
parent stakeholders in the community to make this program possible.


This program aims to:

1. Lessen the wasted and severely wasted student of grade 7 and grade 8 student of Sirawan
National High School for the school year 2022-2023 under face to face but following health
and safety protocols;
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

2. Promoting healthy eating and well-being through feeding the under nourished students in
the grade 7 and grade 8 level;
3. Fortified the student with information about healthy eating habit and well-being of the grade
7 and grade 8 student;
3.1 Flourish in their education journey by nourishing them thru food
3.2 Build confidence by nourishing their health and nutrition;
3.3 Provide opportunities for social and emotional development of students.


The following documents had been prepared prior to the implementation of the activity.
Necessary approval from the heads office. See attached documents.

 Action plan

 Project Proposal

 Memorandum of Agreement

 Invitation to the parent

 Accomplishment report

 Liquidations and receipt

 Pictures and documentation


Based on the 10-day activity performed, the data showed below that out of 15 students identified
by the health and nutrition coordinator 6 of the 15 beneficiaries were now belong to the normal
health status. As shown, 40% result with the conduct of the feeding program which will give
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

emphasize that continued support to feeding programs help the student overcome malnutrition.
And overcoming malnutrition will lead to satisfactory performance of the student in school.


Name Grade Starting Status End Status


Abejuela, Dave 7 13 Wasted 13 Wasted


Sanlocan, Rizawan 7 14 Wasted 19.3 Normal

Manubacan, Joel 7 13.2 Wasted 13.7 Wasted

Aragat, Jamaldin 7 14.7 Wasted 14.7 Wasted

Guerta, Rheamae 7 14.4 Wasted 14.4 Wasted

Omping, Sarah 7 15.7 Wasted 18.6 Normal

Mamasaunda, Al- 7 13 Severely 13.3 Wasted

Rayyan wasted

Abdillah, Alwakel 8 15.4 Wasted 18.78 Normal

Egina, Abdul Hafidh 8 15.1 Wasted 15 Wasted

Sabacan, 8 12.7 Severely 13 Wasted

Almontahab wasted

Namie, Hamira 8 13.9 Severely 18.6 Normal


Namie, Jomayra 8 14.5 Wasted 16.5 Wasted

Rasay, Norjib 8 13.2 Wasted 13 Wasted

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

Saavedra, Shaima 8 15.4 Wasted 18.6 Normal

Serrano, Sitti Hariza 8 16 Wasted 18.8 Normal

To sum it up the event was indeed a successful one. Even though Pandemic was still there, it
will not hinder to make this program possible in order to help the children in their nutritional
status. This program was just a supplementation of the school to the student in a specific grade
level in a specific period of time.



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

JANUARY 4, 2023

In order to intensify health and nutrition among junior high school student, Sirawan National
High School as spearheaded by the Nutrition Coordinator targeted supplementary feeding
program for wasted and severely wasted children of this school. The project titled “Gutom na
Tiyan, Mahinang Kaisipan!” which was launched last, October 22, 2022 but taken into action
today January 4, 2023 due to budget constrain, which aims to increased awareness on the
significance of proper nutrition, appreciated the role of school in the development of their holistic
wellbeing, practiced healthy eating habits, improved the body mass index of the student
identified and reduction of acute malnutrition among junior high school student. The first day
menu of the said program if arrozcaldo with chicken, malunngay with egg. They have also
banana and chocolate energy drink. They have it during lunch time. The first went successful
and hoped for the upcoming days too.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City


JANUARY 5, 2023

Ensuring once health was a great factor to do whatever in our everyday life. That is one of the
purpose of conducting feeding program at Sirawan National High School. There were 15 student
beneficiaries of the said program consist of 7 grade 7 students and 8 grade 8 student. The
second day of the program they were serve with Boiled rice, chicken adobo with egg and
nutritional juice drink for lunch at the old library room. The food was cooked by the feeding
coordinator Maam Jerlyn L. Pili with helped of our ASP Maam Anna M. Diano. The second day
went smoothly and the student beneficiaries enjoyed the food we served.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City


JANUARY 9, 2023

It was a beautiful morning, and third day of the feeding program. The food serve for lunch are
the following: boiled rice, chicken Tinola with Malunggay and Calamansi Juice. The
benefeciaries have it at aroung 11:35am after their last period in the morning. Some of them got
their lunch late because of the activities on the last subject but assured that they have prepared
food allocated only for them. And hurray! the third day indeed finished smoothly…
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City


JANUARY 10, 2023

A grateful Monday and a blissful heart to start with the 4 th day of our feeding program. To give
nourishment to our feeding beneficiaries, our tem prepared a hearty meal for our young mind. A
chicken soup with sayote, boiled rice and fruit juice. They had their lunch at around 11:15am.
They were all very thankful for the food prepared for them and as the one who prepared it was
indeed a meaningful job to look at to their faces with a happy smile and a full stomach.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

Day 6

JANUARY 11, 2023

Prepared by:



Submitted to:


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao City

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