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By group 8 :
1. Restu Pratiwi Kinasih (B11.2021.07258)
2. Kholida Arfaletha (B11.2021.07387)

Class : B11.4.INTL
Lecturer : Dr. E. Diana Aqmala S.E., M.M


1. Do you think information technology factors will affect the business of PT Sido
Muncul Tbk.? If yes, mention and explain the influence caused and what
strategy PT Sido Muncul Tbk. uses in dealing with this influence!
The rapid development of information technology fueled globalization. All companies
required to comply with formally applicable information technology standards in the
middle of society. Advances in information technology to be one community
considerations in meeting their needs and quality offered and become a plus in the
eyes of society. PT Sido Muncul Tbk is being sued to always be ready to face changes
due to changing market demands from time to time. Information technology is one of
the important things in business planning. In the business world, technology and
information are needed to provide improvements to business services at PT Sido
Muncul Tbk. PT Sido Muncul Tbk utilizes the role of information technology such as
e-commerce as trade media that provide knowledge and sources of information about
PT Sido Muncul Tbk which is obtained easily and quickly. The second is e-commerce
is a database technology or data base for storing PT Sido Muncul documents Tbk
conducted digitally and accessible storage devices interested parties regardless of
geographic location. The third is email as a means of communication between
supplier employees and customers of pt sido tbk appears. Fourth there is a
management information system this system allows companies to track sales data,
costs and productivity levels of this information used to check profitability over time,
maximizing profits on investment and identify areas for improvement. The fifth is
customer relationship management or call center a system that can capture every
interaction the company has with its customers so there is data customer chronology,
if at any time it is needed profit for company is increasing performance to
2. Discuss, as a very large company, does PT Sido Muncul Tbk. have an
independent marketing information system? Give an example!
Answer :

A marketing information system is a continuing and interacting structure of

people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate, and distribute
pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by marketing decision makers to
improve their marketing planning, implementation, and control.
This marketing information system is used by companies to obtain information
related to the promotion and distribution of goods, so that a company knows what
products are suitable for consumer needs, so that the company can minimize company
errors in decision making.

a. Internal Reporting System

The data available in the internal business records available in the various books
of accounts on the sales, cash flows, receivables, payables, stock, research,
marketing personnel and cost is recorded, analyzed, monitored, compared and
communicated to the relevant departments involved in decision making.
b. Marketing Reaserch System
A marketing research system is an advanced tool which studies the perceived
marketing issue or problem. It is done with the help of primary or secondary data
collected and presented in tabular format, to draw meaningful conclusions.
c. Marketing Intelligance System
The marketing intelligence system collects, analyzes and keeps the organization
aware of the daily updates. These updates include external marketing
environment, recent trends, developments, transforming customer needs,
technological advancement, competitor’s strategy and market conditions. This
leads to prepare for the upcoming challenges and plan for future business
d. Marketing Decision Support System
In marketing decision support system, various mathematical and economic tools
(regression, linear programming, optimization, statistics, time series analysis, etc.)
are used to process, analyze and convert the raw data to obtain useful marketing
information to support the decision-making activities.
PT Sido Muncul Tbk. has an independent marketing information system
through an internal control system covering all policies and procedures in all financial
and operational functions that aim to protect company assets through reliable
reporting and financial information, compliance with applicable regulations, and
effective and efficient operational activities.
The Company's internal control system involves all governance organs,
namely the Board of Commissioners, Audit Committee, Board of Directors, and all
levels of management, with reference to the principles of the Internal Control
Framework. The principles are control environment, risk assessment, control
activities, information and communication and monitoring. Thus, the implementation
of the Company's internal control system is in accordance with the framework of The
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
PT Sido Muncul also conducts research on medicinal plants carried out in
laboratories to create new products using modern tools so that PT Sido Muncul
received two awards, namely Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Practices
(CPOTP) and Good Drug Making Practices (CPOB) during the inauguration of a new
factory located in Klepu, Bergas district, Ungaran on November 11, 2000.
Sido Muncul also expanded its business by creating a new division, namely
"Food Division" with its first product, "Kuku Bima Energi", and by adding factories
with their respective functions. Sido Muncul has also expanded its market share by
marketing products abroad such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, South
Korea, Nigeria, Algeria, Hong Kong, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and
3. Do a small rosette to find out consumer preferences for herbal products in
general and in particular for herbal medicine "Sido Muncul"! Draw conclusions
from your research results!
Answer :
1. Gender

Options People
Male 6
Female 25

2. Work

Options People
Student 2
Collage studen 22
House wife 1
Entrepreneurial 2
Teacher 2
Private employees 1
Unemployment 1

3. Age

Options People
< 15 years old
15 – 20 years old 20
21 – 30 years old 7
> 30 yars old 4

4. How often you take herbal remedies

Options People
Very often 2
Often 7
Quite often 8
Infrequently 11
Never 5
5. Factors that influence your decision to consume herbal medicine...

Options People
Side effects 10
Price 4
Quality 10
Brand 4
Forced 1
Suggestions 1
Sick 1

6. How often do you consume PT Sido Muncul Tbk. products?

Options People
Very often
Often 10
Quite often 14
Infrequently 7

7. What products of PT Sido Muncul Tbk. do you often or have you ever consumed?

Options People
Tolak Angin 27
Kuku Bima Ener-g 4
Susu Jahe 5
Anak Sehat 4
Vitamin C-1000 mg 3

8. Is it easy for you to find PT Sido Muncul Tbk. products?

Options People
Very easy 20
Easy 5
Easy enough 2
Difficult 2
Very difficult 2
9. Do you recommend PT Sido Muncul Tbk. products?

Options People
Highly recommend 8
recommend 12
Simply recommend 7
Less recommend 2
Do not recommend 2

10. From 1-5, how much will you give for PT Sido Muncul Tbk. products?

Options People
1 20
2 5
3 2
4 2
5 2

The conclusion from the survey that we distributed, we got 31 respondents

with 6 men and 25 women. Their daily status includes students, students, housewives,
teachers, private employees, entrepreneurs and unemployed. 20 people aged between
15 – 20 years, 7 people aged between 21 – 30 and 4 people over 30 years. In this
survey, 11 people chose to rarely take herbal medicines. The reason people use sido
products appears is because 10 people choose side effects, 10 people choose quality, 4
people choose price, 4 people choose brand, then 3 people answer suggestions, forced
and sick. In the question of how often to consume PT Sido's products, 14 people
chose Quite often. And the products that have been consumed are 27 peoples choose
Tolak Angin, 5 peoples choose Ginger Milk, 4 peoples choose Kuku bima Ener-g, 4
peoples choose Anak Sehat, and 3 peoples choose Vitamin C-1000 mg. Besides that,
people answering can easily find PT Sido products appearing around. In the question
"Do you recommend PT Sido Muncul Product?" the highest score is in the
recommendation with a value of 12 voters. And the last question is “From 1 – 5, how
much will you give for PT Sido Muncul Product?” (1 is the highest and 5 is the
lowest) 20 people choose 1, 5 people choose 2, 2 people choose 3, 2 people choose 4
and 2 people choose 5.
In the survey we are made, it can be used for information if you are going to
market your product or increase product sales, such as advertising on social media.
For example, making an advertisement with the main idea of product side effects
(because in the question "what factors influenced you in consuming herbal
medicine?" the highest score is 10 in product side effects).

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