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Maieane Historina Leteba (2019177456)

(LLST1513) Worksheet

Activity : My reflection

Basically almost everything changed me ,being a Kovsie student it really made me a new person ,a
person whom I didn’t get used to but well here I am , I’m getting used to myself . My first year at
Varsity (UFS) has gone so much faster than any other year of my life . I feel like I’ve been careering
through my first semester at breakneck speed .Being a fist year student was legitely harder for me
to get used to the place .I felt so unwanted from people , I felt so despaired about the whole new life
I have established into . I kept questioning myself some arrogant question that how am I going to
manage my time doing plenty assignment at the same time? Knowing exactly that I’m a slow learner
and I normally take my time a little by little to manage doing my work hence I’ve seen and
experience how lectures terrible needing their work to be done on time . It’s legit now I have learnt a
lot from this varsity ,talking from experience I’ve seen one of my mentor at my Res how she
manages her time to overcome her weakness by keeping on studying and managing her time to
cover up all her work at the same time. I’ve meet so many new friends and wonderful people and
build a friend group of people who are struggling with the same things as I do . The single most
important lesson I’ve ever learned is this “have faith that your efforts will be rewarded “.That’s it.
Now that may sound like a productivity lesson , but to me it’s really a recipe for my happiness and
my success.

For me studying at UFS it is my privilege and my honour to be here .This is my first destiny and my
joy fulfilment in my life and it will bring it’s own challenges in coping into a new environment. My
existence from varsity I wasn’t expected so much from it ,I thought it will be easier as my high
school-hood as I experience a lot of variety, dedication was the best word I have experienced .My
expectations from this new world is that by all means I should now on be equipped and energised
about what I do each moment .That I should monitor myself and take more responsibilities for my
behaviour and my learning .Varsity can leave you feeling overwhelmed and helpless .I hated being
an introvert since I’ve meet new people inside it .I felt so discouraged when I had to ask some tutors
to help me about the use of blackboard app ,that’s where my self-esteem became loose . Being a
first year student was hard for me as I mentioned on my reflection above but eventually I kept on
fighting through suckiness And I’ll get past the crappy stages and into prospering phase and I know
this because I’ve made it pass that hump and if I can do it, I can do it again .My mom once told me
that” if you’re not failing ,then you’re either not doing enough and you’re not challenging yourself
enough and just remember it’s a learning experience and the more you practice ,the more you’ll
success” that’s why I’m here today because of perseverance and dictatorship through my mom’s
words and this is all about my varsity reflection .

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