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Hatchet Name: _______________

Date: ________________

Vocabulary Chapters Five and Six

Match the vocabulary words on the left to the definitions on the right. Place the correct letter on each

________1. amphibious pg. A. swelling of surface of skin

________2. asset pg. B. wildly excited

________3. blister pg. C. like ice; very cold

________4. device pg. D. woven together

________5. diminish pg. E. narrow shelf

________6. frantic pg. F. able to operate on land or water

________7. glacial pg. G. wickedly; intensely

________8. interlaced pg. H. arousing sorrow

________9. jumble pg. I. something having value

________10. ledge pg. J. grind down; demolish

________11. pitiful pg. K. sudden, sharp pain

________12. pulverize pg. L. mix; confuse

________13. twinge pg. M. something constructed for a purpose

________14. viciously pg. N. lessen

Chapter 6

1. Describe Brian's new shelter.

Brian chose to locate his shelter close to the lake. Explain his reasoning.

2. Why does Brian decide to eat before constructing the lean-to?

Brian was so used to the ready availability of food that he was not prepared to seek it in the wilderness.
What did he finally do?

3. Explain why the author writes the word secret with a capital or uppercase letter.

Whom did Brian blame for his predicament? Evaluate his thinking.

4. Why does Brian stay close to the lake while searching for food?

5. Using Brian's description, find out what type of bird was eating the berries.

6. Why did Brian almost spit out the berries?

7. What title would you give this chapter?

8. Draw a sketch for chapter 6.

Chapter 7

1a. Why did Brian wake up in the middle of the night?

1b. What effect did eating so many berries have upon Brian?

2. Why did Brian crawl out of his shelter?

3. Describe the memory that was painful for Brian upon returning to the shelter? Have you ever had a
memory that was painful to you? Tell about it.

4. Why did Brian slap the water with his hand?

5. How do we know that Brian is developing an affinity for his shelter?

6. What type of food is he delighted to find?

7a. What does Brian stumble upon in the bush?

7b. What sight caused Brian to “do nothing, think nothing”? In your opinion, why wasn’t Brian harmed?

8. Why does Brian come to a stop after initially fleeing the area?

9. What does he discover when he looks back?

10a. Why did Brian place the hatchet by his head when he went to sleep that evening?

10b. Brian thought that the danger in a city park at night was worse than the danger he faced in the
woods. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

11. What title would you give this chapter?

12. Draw a sketch for chapter 7.

Chapter 8

1a. What caused Brian to cry until he was all cried out? Have you ever felt this way? Tell about it.

1b. What woke Brian in the middle of the night?

2. Explain the cause of the musty smell in his shelter that night.

3. Brian discovered what he believed to be the most important rule of survival. Explain it.

4. Explain how Brian fought off the intruder.

5. What did Brian experience when he removed the quills from his leg?

6a. What mistake did Brian make in the use of his hatchet? Why might this have been a costly error?

6b. Why did Brian feel it was important to make a staff or lance for himself?

7. How does Brian interpret his dream?

8. What important discovery does Brian make when he examines the rock at the end of this chapter?

9. What title would you give this chapter?

10. Draw a sketch for chapter 8.

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