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Assignments Tareas Your assignments Will be distributed between each

member of the group

Assembly notice Convocatoria The new assembly notice for Primary School test has
just been published
Civil service exam in Education Oposiciones de educación Plenty of our students are studying for the civil
service exam in Education
Attendance Asistencia Attendance is compulsory
Headmaster/Headmistress Director/directora The headmistress called Leo to her office
Head boy/girl Delegado/a We vote for the new head boy
Teacher’s pet Pelota, el favorito Mia’s Mr. Bean new teacher’s pet
Bullying Acoso escolar Marina endured bullying during all her Primary
School years.
Social isolation Aislamiento social She social isolated herself from the rest
School/educational failure Fracaso escolar
Fall behind Quedarse atrás Due to the COVID most of the students fell behind
To drop out Dejar los estudios After his mother death, he decided to drop out his
Truancy Absentismo escolar When I was young, I used to play truant (hacer
To expel (formal) Expulsar Student body who won’t wear uniform will be
Kick out (informal) Echar Jeremy was kicked out because his misbehaviour
Educational tools Estrategias educativas Teachers need to have a wide range of educational
tools and resources to provide their students with a
proper learning experience
Learning process Proceso de aprendizaje
Learning issues Problemas de aprendizaje Dislexia is one of the main learning issues
Special Educational Needs Estudiantes con Currently, more public schools have professionals for
students necesidades especiales SEN students
Misbehaviour Mal comportamiento
Public school Colegio público
Private school Colegio privado
Semi-private school Colegio concertado
Field trips Excursiones Next week, we’re going to a field trip to the Prado
Bilingualism Bilingüismo Bilingualism is a new trend in most of schools
Key competences Competencias clave Some of the key competences a six years old child
should acquire is learning to learn
Syllabus Plan de estudios You can find the information in the syllabus
School counsellor Orientador escolar If you need help, you can contact the school
Spelling mistake Falta de ortografía Spelling mistakes will rest one point
Vocation Vocación professional
ADD/ADHD TDA/TDAH Nowadays, ADHD is diagnosed easily
Academy Academia
Student body Alumnado
Pupil Alumno
To learn by heart Aprender de memoria
To pass an examination Aprobar un examen
Subject Asignatura
Classroom Aula
Scholarship Beca
Library Biblioteca
School year Curso escolar
School day Día lectivo
Primary education Educación primaria
Secondary education Educación secundaria
Higher education Educación superior
Written examination examen escrito
Oral examination Examen oral
To take an examination Presentarse a un examen
Boarding school Internado
Kindergarten Jardín de infancia
Board of examiners Tribunal de examen
Term Trimester
Nursery school Jardín de infancia
Technical college Instituto de formación
Straight A student Estudiante muy brillante I’ve always been a straight A student
Top of the class El mejor de la clase Richard is top of the class

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