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KNOWN: Insulated steam tube exposed to atmospheric air and surroundings at 25°C.
FIND: (a) Heat transfer rate by free convection to the room, per unit length of the tube; effect on quality,
x, at outlet of 30 m length of tube; (b) Effect of radiation on heat transfer and quality of outlet flow; (c)
Effect of emissivity and insulation thickness on heat rate.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Ambient air is quiescent, (2) Negligible surface radiation (part a), (3) Tube wall
resistance negligible.
PROPERTIES: Steam tables, steam (sat., 4 bar): if = 566 kJ/kg, Tsat = 416 K, ig = 2727 kJ/kg, ifg = hfg
2160 kJ/kg, vg = 0.476 m3/kg; Table A.3, magnesia, 85% (310 K): km = 0.051 W/m⋅K; Table A.4, air
(assume Ts = 60°C, Tf = (60 + 25)°C/2 = 315 K, 1 atm): ν = 17.4 × 10-6 m2/s, k = 0.0274 W/m⋅K, α =
24.7 × 10-6 m2/s, Pr = 0.705, Tf = 1/315 K = 3.17 × 10-3 K-1.
ANALYSIS: (a) The heat rate per unit length of the tube (see sketch) is given as,
T −T 1 ⎡ 1 1 D 1 ⎤
q′ = i ∞ where =⎢ + ln 3 + ⎥ (1,2)
R ′t R ′t ⎣ h oπ D3 2π k m D2 h iπ D1 ⎦
To estimate h o , we have assumed Ts ≈ 60°C in order to calculate RaL from Eq. 9.25,

gβ ( Ts − T∞ ) D33 9.8 m s 2 × 3.17 × 10−3 K −1 ( 60 − 25 ) K ( 0.115 m )

Ra D = = = 3.85 × 106 .
να −6 2 −6 2
17.4 × 10 m s × 24.7 × 10 m s

The appropriate correlation is Eq. 9.34; find

2 2

Nu D = ⎨0.60 +
0.387 ( Ra D )
1/ 6
⎫ ⎧

⎪ ⎪

0.387 3.85 × (
10 6 1/ 6
) ⎫
= 21.4
8 / 27 ⎬ ⎨ 8 / 27 ⎬
⎪ ⎡1 + ( 0.559 Pr )9 /16 ⎤ ⎪ ⎪ ⎡1 + ( 0.559 0.705 )9 /16 ⎤ ⎪
⎩⎪ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎭⎪ ⎩⎪ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎭⎪
k 0.0274 W m ⋅ K
ho = Nu D = × 21.4 = 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K .
D3 0.115 m
Substituting numerical values into Eq. (2), find
1 ⎡ 1 1 115 1 ⎤
=⎢ + ln + ⎥ = 0.430 W m ⋅ K
R ′t ⎢⎣ 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K × π 0.115 m 2π × 0.051 W m ⋅ K 65 11, 000 W m 2 ⋅ Kπ × 0.055 m ⎥⎦

and from Eq. (1), q′ = 0.430 W m ⋅ K ( 416 − 298 ) K = 50.8 W m <

PROBLEM 9.59 (Cont.)

We need to verify that the assumption of Ts = 60°C is reasonable. From the thermal circuit,

Ts = T∞ + q′ h o π D3 = 25o C + 50.8 W m 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K × π × 0.115 m = 53o C . )
Another calculation using Ts = 53°C would be appropriate for a more precise result.

Assuming q′ is constant, the enthalpy of the steam at the outlet (L = 30 m), i2, is

i2 = i1 − q′ ⋅ L m
& = 2727 kJ kg − 50.8 W m × 30 m 0.015kg s = 2625kJ kg

& = ρg Ac u m with ρg = 1 vg and Ac = π D12 4 . For negligible pressure drop,

where m

x = ( i2 − if ) ifg = ( 2625 − 566 ) kJ kg ( 2160 kJ kg ) = 0.953. <

(b) With radiation, we first determine Ts by performing an energy balance at the outer surface, where

q′i = q′conv,o + q′rad

Ti − Ts
R ′i (
= h oπ D3 ( Ts − T∞ ) + π D3εσ Ts4 − Tsur
1 1 D
R ′i = + ln 3
hiπ D1 2π k m D 2

From knowledge of Ts, q′i = ( Ti − Ts ) R ′i may then be determined. Using the Correlations and
Properties Tool Pads of IHT to determine h o and the properties of air evaluated at Tf = (Ts + T∞ )/2, the
following results are obtained.
Condition Ts (°C) q′i (W/m) x
ε = 0.8, D3 = 115 mm 41.8 56.9 0.948 <
(c) ε = 0.8, D3 = 165 mm 33.7 37.6 0.966 <
ε = 0.2, D3 = 115 mm 49.4 52.6 0.952 <
ε = 0.2, D3 = 165 mm 38.7 35.9 0.967 <

COMMENTS: Clearly, a significant reduction in heat loss may be realized by increasing the insulation
thickness. Although Ts, and hence q′conv,o , increases with decreasing ε, the reduction in q′rad is more
than sufficient to reduce the heat loss.

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