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M2 Check in Activity 2

1. What cultural values I am proud of as a Filipino?

- As a Filipino, I am proud for being a positive thinker and we tend to keep on
using the "po and opo" in our culture. The "po and opo" are words when young
Filipino speaks to elders which shows or express their respect, and until now,
people still use this kind of culture. The Filipinos are also willing to assist others
which makes our nation kind and joyful.

2. What cultural values of Filipinos I would like to change if given a chance?

- If I were given a chance to change one of the Filipino culture values, I would
choose the lack of self-discipline. When we say lack of self-discipline, this kind of
culture values is when then individual tend to procrastinate. Many of Filipino
individual are procrastinating, they tend to have goals in their life, but they rather
be lazy to achieve or to be disciplined to stick with the goals they want. The
individual rather chooses easy ones than the challenging ones.

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