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Subject: English
Career: 4th. Grade
Teacher: Evelyn Marlise Hernández L.

Final Test (Third Unit)


General instructions: Answer the test with pen and do not use liquid paper.

Part 1 (20 points)

Instructions: Write the words correctly to indicate the PPE (Personal protective equipment)

Page. 1
Subject: English
Career: 4th. Grade
Teacher: Evelyn Marlise Hernández L.

Part 2
Instructions: Math the personal protective equipment with its definition.

Part 3
Instructions: Complete the blog with connector of sequence. (Firs, then, next, after that, finally)

Page. 2
Subject: English
Career: 4th. Grade
Teacher: Evelyn Marlise Hernández L.

Part 4
Instructions: Copy the paragraphs according to the correct structure of a paragraph.

Page. 3

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