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Reading and writing are two crucial skills that students need to develop in order to

succeed academically and in their future careers. The study focuses on senior high school

Grade 11 STEM learners of MSU – Maigo School of Arts and Trades because this is a

critical stage where students need to develop advanced reading and writing skills to be

prepared for college and beyond

This research aims to explore the effects of reading on writing performance among

senior high school senior high school Grade 11 STEM learners of MSU – Maigo School of

Arts and Trades .

The research will also investigate the relationship between reading and writing

performance and identify factors that may contribute to students' reading and writing abilities.

The study will use both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data, including

surveys, interviews, and assessments of students' reading and writing skills. The data

collected will be analyzed using statistical methods and thematic analysis to draw conclusions

and make recommendations.

The findings of this research will have implications for educators, policymakers, and

parents who are interested in improving the reading and writing abilities of senior high school

learners. By understanding the effects of reading on writing performance, educators can

develop more effective strategies to teach these skills to students. Policymakers can use the

research findings to inform policies related to literacy education, and parents can use the

information to support their children's learning at home.

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