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A. Parts of digestive tube: Arrange in order from anterior to posterior (1-16).

_____1. Anus 16

_____2. Ascending colon 12

_____3. Caecum 11

_____4. Cardiac Sphincter 5

____5. Descending colon 14

_____6. Duodenum 8

7. Esophagus 4

8. Fundus 6

9. ileum 10

10. Jejunum 9

11. Mouth 1

12. Oral Cavity 2

13. Pharynx 3

14. Phyloric sphincter 7

15. rectum 15

16. Transverse colon 13

B. Match the terms to the following descriptions.

A. Anus D. Canine G. Gall Bladder J. HCI

B. Liver E. Mouth H. Pancreas K. Pharynx

C. Rugae F. Teeth I. Tongue L. Villi\

1. A muscular organ used for tasting and aid in deglutition. I. Tongue

2. A strong acid in the stomach responsible for converting pepsinogen into pepsin. J.
3. Common passageway for food and air. K. Pharynx

4. Internal lining of the small intestine. L. Villi

5. internal lining of the stomach. C. Rugae

6. round pointed teeth at the corners of the mouth used for tearing and gripping the
food. D. Canine

7.Secretes pancreatic juice to the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. H. Pancreas

8. Temporary storage of bile. G. Gall Bladder

9. The largest gland in the body that secretes bile. B. Liver

10. the posterior end of the digestive tube. A. Anus

C. Discuss the role of enzymes in digestion.

The digestion of food would be virtually impossible without enzymes, as it increases the
rate of chemical reactions through lowering the amount of energy that is needed to a
particular reaction. Enzymes work mainly in the pancreas and small intestine. As we eat
foods, it has to be broken into pieces that’s why enzymes are essential for the break
down of food in order to properly absorb nutrients in our body.

Respiratory System

A. Pathway of air during exhalation: arrange in order from the lungs (1-10)
1. Alveolus 1
2. Bronchioles 2
3. Bronchus 3
4. Epiglottis 6
5. Glottis 7
6. Larynx 5
7. Nasal cavity 9
8. Nostrils 10
9. Pharynx 8
10. Trachea 4

B. Match the terms to the following descriptions.

a. Alveolus F. Diaphragm
b. Functional Residual Capacity G.Gills
c. Inspiratory capacity H. Larynx
d. Pharynx I. Total lung capacity
e. Trachea J. Vital capacity
1. a dome-shaped muscular partition from the floor of the chest cavity separating
the pleural cavities from the abdominal cavity. F.
2. Commonly called as throat. D
3. Commonly called as voice box. H.

4. commonly called as windpipe. E

5. equal to the vital capacity plus the residual air. I

6. site of actual gas exchange. A

7. sum of supplemental air and residual air. B

8. sum of tidal air and complimental air. C

9. sum of tidal air, complimental air, and supplemental air. J

10. the respiratory organs of fishes. G

C. Explain the mechanics of breathing


A. Match the terms to the following descriptions.

A. Bowman’s capsule F. Cortex
B. Glomerulus G. Loop of Henle
C. Medulla H. Renal Artery
D. Renal Pelvis I. Renal Vein
E. Urea J. Urinary bladder
1. Carry filtered blood out from the kidneys. I
2. Carry unfilered blood into the kidneys. H
3. Composed of several looped capillaries, site of pressure filtration. B
4. Consist of two straight limbs running parallel to each other. G
5. Encloses the glomerulus.A
6. Inner space or cavity connected with the ureter. D
7. Outer granulated layer of the kidney. F
8. Radially striated layer of the kidney. C
9. Temporarily stores urine. J
10. Wastes produced from protein metabolism. E

B. Explain how urine is formed?


A. Label the pointed parts of the brain.

B. Match the terms of ff. Definitions.
a. Arachnoid mater F. Dura mater
b. Cerebrum G. Medulla Oblongata
c. Cerebellum H. Pia Mater
d. CSF I. Pons
e. Diencephalon J. Spinal Cord

1. Functions in muscle coordination, maintaining posture and balance. C

2. Innermost meninx of the brain. H
3. Tough and thick lining of the cranium. F
4. Regulates heartbeat and breathing rate.
5. Middle meninx, made up of fibrous and elastic connective tissues. A
6. Includes that thalamus and hypothalamus.E
7. Seat-of intelligence. B
8. Located between the meninges that cushions and protects the CNS. D
9. Contains reflex centers concerned with head movements in response to
visual and auditory stimuli. I
10. Contains reflex center for vomiting, coughing, and swallowing. G

C. Differentiate (a) somatic from autonomic nervous system, (b) sympathetic from
parasympathetic nervous system.


A. Pathway of blood:Arrange in order (1-16) starting at right atrium.

1. Aortic seminular valve

2. Arteries and arterioles
3. Bicuspid valve
4. Body tissues (capillaries)
5. Dorsal aorta
6. Left atrium of the heart
7. Left ventricle
8. Lungs (alveoli/capillaries)
9. Pulmonary arteries
10. Pulmonary seminular valve
11. Pulmonary veins
12. Right atrium of the heart
13. Right ventricle
14. Superior and inferior vena cava
15. Tricuspid valve
16. Venules and veins
B. Match the terms to the following descriptions.
a. Arteries G. Blood type AB
b. Blood type o H. Capillaries
c. Dorsal Aorta I. Plasma
d. Platelets J. RBC
e. Transverse Septum K. Veins
f. WBC

1. A muscle dividing the heart into left and right sides. E

2. Responsible for transport of oxygen and nutrients.C
3. Also called leukocytes play an important function in the immune
system. F
4. Blood fragments involved in blood clotting or coagulation. D
5. Carry blood away from the heart. A
6. Carry blood towards the heart. K
7. Connect arterioles and venules within the internal organs. H
8. Considered as universal donor blood type. B
9. Considered as universal recipient blood type. G
10. The fluid portion of the blood. I

C. Why is exercise good for the heart?

Exercising has a lot of benefits, just as it strengthens muscle in our body, it
also makes our heart muscle become more effecient and better and it ables
to pump blood throughout the body. Exercising is beneficial for ones fitness,
as it also helps lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, it enables a person to
maintain a healthy weight, and it improves the function of the parasympathetic
nervous system. Basically, exercise is one of those healthy physical activities
which makes a person more healthy, and it is commendable that a person
must engage to an exercise to put our heart secured from the diseases.

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