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Respiratory module

Formative exam 1 Model( 2 )

Choose the correct answer :

1- Typical intercostal nerves are :

A. 5th -10th nerves
B. 1st - 6th nerves
C. 3rd -7th nerves
D. 4th - 8th nerves
E. 2nd - 6th nerves

2- Regarding nerve supply of diaphragm :

F. Phrenic nerve gives motor and sensory supply to it
G. Intercostal nerves give motor supply only
H. Vagus nerve gives motor and sensory supply to it
I. Phrenic nerve gives sensory supply only
J. E. Intercostal nerves give motor and sensory supply to it
3- Costovertebral joint is :
L. Primary cartilaginous joint
M. Pivot synovial
N. C. Secondary cartilaginous joint
O. Plane synovial
P. Fibrous joint

4- Which of the following is the most predominant flora of the throat

A. Viridans streptococci
B. Lactobacilli
C. S. epidermidis
D. E.coli
E. B. fragilis
5- The following diseases are due to pyrogenic exotoxins of
streptococcus pyogenes except :
A. Septicemia
B. Puerperal sepsis
C. Toxic shock syndrome
D. Scarlet fever
E. Necrotizing fasciitis

6- As regarding trachea , one of the following is FALSE :

A. Lined with pseudo stratified columnar ciliated epithelium with
goblet cells
B. Has C - shaped hyaline cartilage to keep the tracheal lumen
C. Its adventitia formed of thin CT containing numerous
seroumucous glands
D. Has trachialis muscle that contract in the cough reflex
E. Has fibroelastic ligament to prevent over distension of the

7- Type II pneumocytes :
A. The main cells lining the alveoli
B. Responsible for regeneration in the alveolar lining
C. Flat cells with flat nucleus and few organelles
D. Connected together by occluding junctions
E. Its cytoplasm contains pinocytic vesicles

8- With respect to gas exchange across the alveolar membrane :

A. Fever causes the oxygen - Hb dissociation curve to shift to
the left
B. An increase in the concentration of 2,3 - diphosphoglycerate
causes the oxygen Hb dissociation curve to shift to the right
C. The oxygen - Hb dissociation curve of fetal Hb lies to the
D. Exercise shifts the oxygen - Hb dissociation curve to the left
9- Intra - alveolar pressure :
A. Is negative throughout normal quiet breathing
B. Is zero ( atmospheric P ) during pause between inspiration
and expiration
C. Is greater than 5-6 mmHg during quiet expiration
D. Is more negative than 5-6 mmHg during quiet inspiration

10- One of the following is NOT a function of dead space ?

A. Warms expired air to body temperature .
B. Saturates inspired air with water vapor .
C. Removes bacteria and other particulate matter .
D. Conducts the warmed air to the respiratory membranes


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