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What are the effects of social media use on the mental health of young people?

Social media can have a considerable negative impact on young people's mental health,

which is a major issue in today's society, which is why I chose this research topic. I'm

interested in finding out more about how using social media affects people's mental health and

how it may be improved. Additionally, I believe that this research topic is relevant to everyone

who lives in the current digital era because it can help us better understand the benefits and

drawbacks of social media as well as strategies for using it to improve our mental health.


Reference: Mayo Clinic. (2022). Teens and social media use: What’s the impact?


Type of text:
Newspaper Article.

Why this text is useful:

This interesting study on the effects of social media use on teens comes from the Mayo
Clinic Health Information Library. It discusses problems like how teen use of social media
may impact their physical, emotional, and social well-being. It also provides advice on how
parents may encourage their children to use social media in a responsible and safe manner. The
article offers as a beginning point for future research and serves as an overview of the subject,
which makes it useful for a study on the effects of teen social media use.



Bass, T. (2022). 'Phones are like a scab we know we shouldn't pick': The truth about social

media and anxiety. The Guardian (London).


Type of text:
Newspaper Article.

Why this text is useful:

The research study can benefit from this article because it clarifies the possible negative
impacts of social media on mental health. It offers factual facts about how excessive social
media use can cause anxiety and other mental health problems. The post also offers guidance
on how to control social media use to prevent harmful effect. I can learn more about the
potential effects of social media on mental health by reading the article.


Reference: Cherney, M. (2021, February 22). Business News: Australia Weighs New

Privacy Rules for Data --- Government could bar social-media firms from directing youth to

harmful content. The Wall Street Journal. Eastern Edition.


Type of text:
Newspaper Article

Why this text is useful:

By focusing attention on how the Australian government is thinking about regulating data
privacy and how this could impact social media businesses, this article can assist research

projects. It contains further information on the proposed new privacy requirements, such as
prohibiting businesses from guiding children to bad content, and presents a broader view of
how the regulations' potential effects on the business environment. The piece also gives
viewers an idea of the likely consequences of the suggested regulations, such as how they
would affect businesses' capacity to sell user data. In conclusion, the information in this article
can be useful for research projects on data privacy and the potential effects of new rules.

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