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ASSESSMENT 3: Pitch Session (an idea)

Topic: Advertising on Coffee Cups

Introduction/Attention getter: I believe that I have the most effective form of advertising
available on the market today. The advertisements can be
exposed to customers for 2,220 seconds, on average!

Problem/ Issue: Unless you have a multinational company or a global brand,

almost every business out there goes by on a limited budget,
especially for advertising.
With the abundance of advertisements all over the place, it
is not easy to make your business stand out.

Proposal Now, what kind of advertising has that kind of exposure

time? Ladies and gentlemen, we advertise on coffee cups.
That's right, we put your brand ‘in their hands’.

Solution: So how does coffee cup advertising work? Firstly, we need

an advertiser. They pay us money. We produce paper
coffee cups with their advertising or brand on it. Then we
give these coffee cups to coffee stands for free.

Now, why does someone want to advertise on a coffee

cup? According to a study at Washington University in
USA, the average person holds their cup for 53 minutes.
During that time they repeatedly look at your brand on the
cup and read your message. The study also revealed that
an average of 6 people will see each cup. That person is
going to have to look at the cup, drink, look at the cup, drink-
20 times before it is fully consumed. And that person is
going to move around like a mobile billboard, exposing that
brand to at least 6 different individuals before the cup is
Justification for the solution: When people think about coffee, they think of Starbucks.

But what about the 250 coffee stands in this town that have
plain, white cups like this? They don't have the economies
to scale to put their own brand on the cup. So, we give
them free cups, and they will save thousands of ringgit a
year by not buying cups.

If we can get 20 coffee stands every single month for the

next 12 months, we will have 240 coffee stands at the end
of the year. With 240 coffee stands, and at least 100
coffee cups bought from each stand in a day, we can move
720,000 cups a month. And at $0.20 profit, we will be
making over a $144 000 of profit every single month. And 4
million people will be exposed to the advertisement!

Conclusion/ Reinforce the The humble coffee cup is more than meets the eye.
proposal Advertising on coffee cups gives your company an excellent
opportunity to be different from others. And a message is
best delivered in the warmth of a cup of coffee!

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