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Dear Government Officials,

Since every community is suffering from Air pollution, as a person with

asthma, I would like to formally address this issue and give suggestions. Air
pollution has long been a problem. These could constitute a serious threat to the
environment, human health, and the climate, whether it comes from haze hanging
over cities, smoke from factories and cars, or even smoke within houses. As they
say, “The air that keeps us alive is making us sick” if we continue to ignore this
issue, this could bring up the risk of health and community problems.
The World Health Organization has been warning for a number of years that
almost all of the air we breathe is polluted and that this is responsible for the deaths
of seven million people annually, 90% of whom are living in low- and middle-
income nations.
So to avoid people dying from this community problem, I formally suggest
that we should take actions and do something. For example, when going to places
which is not that far instead of taking cars or motorcycles, I suggest we should use
e-bike because it is environmentally friendly and provide an efficient way to
reduce emissions and air pollutions.
I gladly encourage the government officials to warn or signal those people
who keeps burning plastics. In addition, in terms of factory smoke, please make a
request with the owners of the company and discuss with them regarding about this
Because as an individual, it hurts to acknowledge that the fresh air we
treasured slowly becoming the dirty air we always despise. So to prevent air
pollution from ruining our plants, trees, health, and climate, creating clean energy
and renewable fuels, eliminating fossil fuels and substituting renewable energies
like solar, wind, and geothermal energy is the most fundamental strategy to reduce
air pollution. Making an energy conservation and efficiency, and prioritizing eco-
friendly transportation is also a must!

I am ready to play my part by always cleaning the environment and avoid

creating smoke or chemical gases. I will look forward to see the enhancement of
our community. I and the other individuals who's suffering asthma are counting on
your leadership to address this critical matter.

Sincerely yours,
Joyelle N. Gallardo
Student from HNHS

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