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Expand and Simplify


Solve and Simplify

1. 把 x 放在一边,其他的数放在另一边
2. 最后用乘除得到单一 x 的数值

Explain Why
Value after n years = initial value + change in value over n years
= initial value + change in value per year x number of years

V = ….+ … x …
Hence, V = ……
【depreciate 贬值,appreciate 增值,increase 增加,decrease 减少,initial 初始的】

The ratio of … (A:B:C = 1:2:2, total 60 ml)

1. 算出来总份数 1+2+2=5
2. 一份的数值 一份多少数值=总数值/总份数 one portion=60/5=12
3. 每个种类的数值=份数 x 一份的数值 A = 1x12=12 B=2x12=24 C=2x12=24

1. 数量/钱
2. 对比,越大的越好

Working…how many days/men/hour…

1. 总工作量=总工作量
a. 小时 x 天数 x 人数=小时 x 天数 x 人数
2. 每个的钱=每个的钱
a. 总共花的钱/人数=总共花的钱/人数

Sell something at/for $ with/at a loss/profit of %. Overall?

1. $是新的价格
2. 原价=新的价格/(1+-%)
3. overall=(总新价-总原价)/总原价 要换成% -的是 loss +的是 profit
4. 延申公示:
a. 新的价格=原价 x(1+-%)
b. %=(新的价格-原价)/原价

Something is on discount of %. A bought something worth $. How much did A pay?

1. Discount 折扣 worth 原价
2. 新价=原价 x(1-discount)
3. 如果是多个物品,原价是所有买的物品的总价
4. 延伸公式:
a. 原价=要付的钱/(1-discount)Q: need to pay $, and discount is %, what is the original
b. discount=(原价-新价)/原价 Q:the original price is $, the new price is $$, what is

Basic pay…commision rate%…sales…hours

1. 总底薪=basic pay x hours
2. 总提成=commision rate% x sales
3. 总工资=总底薪+总提成

Annual income…child…relief…
1. Chargeable income =总收入 annual income-福利
a. 如果有多个孩子并且孩子的福利是单人的,需要乘
2. tax 税=(first 的 gross tax payable)+(next 乘以 income tax rate)
= (first 的 gross tax payable)+[(chargeable income - first) x rate]

Price $…service charge %…GST %…

1. Price $+
a. Payment = price x (1+GST%)
2. Price S++
a. Payment = price x (1+service charge%) x (1+GST%)

Simple interest
1. Interest 利息=本金 x 利率% x 年份
a. 如果题目写的直接是年份的话,就直接带入年份 (1 year)
b. 如果题目写的是月份的话,年份= 月份/12 (15 months)
2. 总共的钱= interest+本金

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