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 Teamwork: The collaborative effort of a group of individuals working together

towards a common goal.

 Synergy: The interaction or cooperation of two or more elements, entities, or
individuals that produces a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate
 Integration: The process of combining different parts or elements into a unified
 Cooperation: The act of working together towards a shared objective or goal.
 Mutual aid: The reciprocal assistance and support provided by individuals or groups
to each other.
 Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole.
 Partnership: A relationship or association between two or more parties based on
mutual cooperation and shared responsibilities.
 Joint effort: A combined or collaborative endeavor involving the contribution and
participation of multiple individuals or groups.
 Consensus: General agreement or harmony among a group of people regarding a
particular matter.
 Synergism: The cooperative interaction of two or more factors or agents to produce
a combined effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.
 Alliance: A formal or informal union or association formed for mutual benefit,
cooperation, or defense.
 Coordination: The process of organizing and harmonizing actions, tasks, or efforts
among different individuals or groups.
 Joint venture: A business or cooperative project undertaken by two or more entities,
typically involving shared resources, risks, and rewards.
 Sharing: The act of distributing, providing, or contributing resources, knowledge, or
information to others.
 Collaboration: The act of working together with others to achieve a common goal or

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