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LOG Time WEEK ___ Quarter 1ST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in daily life
B. Performance
The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.
C. Learning
Competencies/ CS_RS11-IIIa-2
II. CONTENT The importance of research in daily life.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research 1. 1st Edition. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. pp 8-17
4. Additional Materials
for Learning Resource
B. Other Learning 1. https:// 1. https://
world-view/ wiki/
importance-research- Types_of_research_meth
e040f288244d860f ods_and_disciplines
2. http://lex- 2. http://
2012/10/research- k/theme4/
meaning-role-and- types_of_research.html

A. Reviewing the previous 1. Say: Last week, we 1. Students raise questions Say/Ask: Yesterday, we 1. Students raise
lesson or presenting the learned about inquiry- about research, its learned about the different questions about the
new lesson based learning. How is purposes and types of research. different types of
research related to characteristics, and its Enumerate the different research and its
inquiry-based importance to their types of research based on importance to their
learning? everyday lives. the method, purpose, type everyday lives.
2. Relying on their stock 2. They will direct their of data needed? 2. They will direct their
knowledge, students inquiry to any of their (10 minutes) inquiry to any of
provide the meaning classmates, who in turn, their classmates, who
of the given words. will also ask a question in turn, will also ask a
they will be guided by after succeeding in question after
some clues in the answering the question succeeding in
given sentences. given to him/her. answering the
(5 minutes) (10 minutes) question given to
(10 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose 1. Students will be Say: Today, we will learn Say: Today, we will
for the lesson clustered in to four more about research by learn more about the
groups. The group will identifying the different different types of
assign a leader and a types of research based on research. We will surf
reporter. the method, purpose, type the internet and
2. Students examine the of data needed. We will also examine different types
different scenic places discuss the different of research studies.
in the Philippines. approaches to research. (5 minutes)
3. Ask: Which of these (5 minutes)
places interest you the
most? Would you like
to know more about
them? How do you
think you will be more
knowledgeable about
these places?
4. Group reporters share
their responses.
(20 minutes)

1. Presenting examples/ 1. Discuss the meaning 1. Discuss the different
instances of the new of research. types of research based
lesson (20 minutes) on the method, purpose,
type of data needed.
2. Discuss the different
approaches to research.
(40 minutes)
2. Discussing new 1. Students express their 1. Students will be
concepts and practicing judgment or decision clustered in to pairs.
new skills #1 on each of the given 2. The students will identify
statement and write the specific type of
their reasons to justify research for each given
their agreement or topic. They should also
disagreement. identify the importance
(15 minutes) of such research in their
day-to-day life.
(20 minutes)

3. Discussing new 1. Students will be

concepts and practicing clustered in to groups of
new skills #2 three.
2. The students will think of
their own topics for each
research type and justify
the reasons of choosing
the specific research type
for each topic.
(20 minutes)
3. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

4. Finding practical Each student will surf

application of concepts the internet and choose
and skills in daily living a research study. Based
on what they have
learned about research,
they will make a report
on the topic, approach,
importance, and type
based on the different
methods of classifying
(30 minutes)
5. Making generalizations Close the session by Close the session by Close the session by Close the session by
and abstractions about summarizing the concept summarizing the concept summarizing the concept on reviewing the concept
the lesson on research. Emphasize using a concept map on the the different types of on the different types of
the purposes and different types of research. research. research.
characteristics of (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
6. Evaluating learning Using numbers 1 to 5,
the students rank their
understanding on the
following topics:
classification of
research types,
approaches to research,
and determining the
quality of research
(5 minutes)
7. Additional activities for Study and prepare for Study and prepare for the Study and prepare for
application or the next lesson next next lesson next meeting. the next lesson next
remediation meeting. week.
V. REMARKS The topics scheduled for The topics scheduled for the The topics scheduled for the The lesson on the
the day’s session was day’s session was covered. day’s session was covered. importance of research
covered. Lesson plan will Lesson plan will be Lesson plan will be and its types was
be reviewed and reviewed and continued on reviewed and continued on covered.
continued on the the following day. the following day.
following day.
VI. REFLECTION 1. Students enjoyed the 1. Students were hesitant 1. Students worked well 1. Students had
activity on research on raising questions to when they were grouped difficulty utilizing
vocabulary and their classmates’ despite in to pairs. 80% of the search engines to
agreement or of the condition that they students submitted facilitate their
disagreement on were allowed to use the satisfactory outputs. internet search. 80%
research concepts. vernacular language. 2. Students had difficulty of of the students
2. 20% of the students thinking possible needed guidance in
have difficulty in research topics. Further the group activity.
constructing mentoring was required 2. 80% of the students
sentences and use the to facilitate their ranked their learning
correct spelling. learning. on research and its
importance 4 and

Prepared By: Inspected By:

Teacher – II Principal I

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