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1. I do my own meals when it is breakfast or snack time but meals

like lunch or dinner is my dad or my mother that cooks.
2. The benefits of cooking my own meals is that I can choose
whatever I want to eat and to cook what I like.

C. 1. e ; 2. g; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c ; 6. d.

1. Detrice used to eat fast food because she knew that fast food was
bad for her, but she didn’t know what she would eat when she was
left on her own.
2. She cooks all the time for family.
3. All the teenagers are cooking more than ever and Detrice is too.
4. Schools have an important role in teens’ change of attitude
towards food.
5. Schools get involved in teens’ healthy eating habits.

1. Cooking change Detrice’s life because now she has healthy life
and habits.
2. Now that Detrice cooks healthy food, she can help her father
eating better and be a healthier person.
3. “Food revolution” is a way to make teenagers eat healthier and
cook on their own.
4. The teens are called food fighters because they are trying to
change the fact that the restaurants cook in a way that is unhealthy
for the people.

5. It is healthier to eat at home because when you are cooking, you

can choose what ingredients you want to eat.
1. b
2. a
3. an explanation

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