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In the 21st Century we live in today, technology is over the world which means people have more
time in online or in internet. With this technology its very well may be accepted things are getting
altered because of the web a reasonable illustration of this is the rise of internet learning. Web
based learning is a method of contemplating without expecting to go to class nearby with least
necessities in light of the fact that up to an individual approaches the web they can get a web-based
instruction through their PCs or cell phones. Thus, web based learning benefits understudies since it
gives adaptability, instruction for a minimal price, and an agreeable climate. Flexible learning is a
learning where students will have a freedom in how or what they learn. They also have the benefit
of learning being able to explore new things, which can assist to relieve a lot of stress in students.
Students have complete control and accountability over their learning when they use flexible
learning. Rather of being forced to attend a class, people can choose when and how much time they
spend learning. This power not only allows them to plan their education around their obligations,
but it also assures that they are studying at the optimal moment. Some students, for example, may
be more productive in the evenings, but traditional education may limit them by only providing
classes during the day.

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