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ICT gives easiness to run the teaching-learning process.

enables teachers to create resources quickly and easily. It provides
access to a wide range of information in various formats that can
help teaching more effective and enjoyable for students.
In this lesson, I have learned that there are various ICT tools,
such as sites for learning and teaching that can help students
improve their ICT skills. There is also a wide range of software
available to help with reading. By using ICT-based books, clear
connections can be made between sounds and letters on a page.
There are also ICT tools that provide comprehension activities
with sound, animations and video. These can provide students
with new experiences allowing them to develop ICT skills
without even realizing it. Also, learning to read is a long and
difficult process, and many students struggle to concentrate when
using books alone, however, ICT improves student concentration
and attention time, and they perceive it as more exciting.
We live in the ICT age, so the sooner students learn to use
technology, the better and ICT can save teachers’ time while also
motivating students to learn.

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