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THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: Function and Movements

Instruction: Watch the supplemental video provided and provide the needed
information in the following table.

Kind of Joints Identify Sample Location Kind of Movements

(As many)
Hinge elbow, knee, ankle, fingers -allow for stable flexion
and toes and extension without
sliding or deviation
-allow movement only on
one axis
Pivot between the atlas and the -allows rotation at only
axis (first and second one axis (long axis)
cervical vertebrae), -pronation and supination
directly under the skull
Ball and Socket hip, shoulder -flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction,
rotation and circumduction
Ellipsoid wrist -has the ability to rotate on
between the metacarpals two axis which allows
and phalanges (between flexion/extension,
the bones of the hand and abduction/adduction and
the bones of the finger) circumduction
Saddle carpometacarpal joint of -rotation is limited
the thumb -flex, extend, abduct,
shoulder, and inner ear adduct, circumduction and
very slightly rotate
Plane carpals of the hand -can glide or rotate
tarsals of the foot
between the clavicle and
acromion process of the

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