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Name: ________________

Date: ____________
Class Period: __________

Acrostic Poem Rubric

Exceptional Good Average Needs Improvement
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Some of the
All sentences in the Most sentences in
sentences in the Few of the sentences in
acrostic poem the acrostic poem
Format acrostic poem the acrostic poem begin
begin with the begin with the
begin with the with the correct letter.
correct letter. correct letter.
correct letter.

Acrostic poem Acrostic poem does not

Title N/A N/A
includes a title. include a title.

All sentences are Most sentences are Some sentences are Few sentences are
related to the word. related to the word. related to the word. related to the word .

Most lines include Some lines include

All lines contain Few words are spelled
Spelling minimal spelling a few spelling
correct spelling. correctly
errors. errors.

Total: _____/ 40

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