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Regency Period:

Man & Woman


Espera, Terrence
Eusebio, Aizer
Gomez, Alyanna Pauline
Malongayon, Nel Vincent
Orcajada, Jeinz Angelique
Peñafiel, Krisha

Men during the

Regency Period
Men during the Regency Period

Regency men were often expected to be well-educated

and cultured, and to participate in the literary and

artistic movements of the time. They might attend

salons and gatherings, and engage in intellectual

debates or discussions. Gambling and drinking were

also popular pastimes among some circles.

Often wore their hair longer than in previous eras, and

might sport a top hat or a wig.

Would likely be seen as fashionable, cultured, and

refined, with a strong sense of personal style and a

deep appreciation for art, literature, and fashion.

Societal roles of men during the period

Provider: Men were expected to be the primary

breadwinners for their families, and to provide

financially for their wives and children.

Political participation: Men with wealth and education

were often expected to participate in politics, either as

elected officials or as activists and supporters of

political causes.

Marriage and family: Men were expected to marry and

start families, and to provide for their wives and

Importance of their role
Simon Basset: Simon is a Duke and a prominent figure in

the show who embodies the societal roles and

expectations for men of the Regency period. He is

wealthy, well-educated, and politically connected. He is

also expected to participate in politics and support

political causes, and he is seen as a desirable suitor for

marriage due to his status and wealth.

Anthony Bridgerton: Anthony is the eldest Bridgerton

son and the head of the family, and he embodies the

role of the provider. He is expected to manage the

family estate and provide for his siblings and mother.

He is also expected to marry and start a family of his

own to continue the family line.

Success for a man at that time
Inheriting wealth and property: For men born into

wealthy families, inheriting a substantial estate was one

of the primary ways to achieve success.

Pursuing a career or business venture: Men who did not

inherit wealth or property often achieved success

through their careers or business ventures. This

required education and training, as well as networking

and political connections. Common careers for men of

this era included law, medicine, the military, and

government service.
Challenges faced by men
Financial insecurity: Men who did not inherit substantial

wealth or property often faced financial insecurity,

especially if they pursued careers or business ventures

that were not successful. This could limit their social

opportunities and make it difficult to marry well.

Social expectations: Men of the upper classes were

expected to fulfill certain roles and expectations, such

as being a gentleman, engaging in politics, and

participating in cultural and intellectual pursuits.

Limited social mobility: Social class was a significant

factor in determining one's opportunities and success

during the Regency period.

Challenges faced by men
Participating in culture and the arts: Men of higher

social classes were often expected to have a

knowledge of and appreciation for culture and the arts,

and to participate in intellectual and artistic pursuits.

This required education and refinement, as well as

networking and social connections.

Marrying well: Men were often expected to marry

women of a certain social standing, which could

increase their own social status and financial security.

This required finding a suitable match, often through

the assistance of family and social connections.

Woman during the

Regency Period
Woman during the Regency Period

Women specifically from upper class families, are

always dressed elegantly with pearls and diamonds

all over them. It is characterized by empire-waist

dresses, which were made of light, flowing fabrics

such as muslin or silk and often featured intricate

embroidery or lacework. These dresses were

typically light in color, with pastels and white being

popular choices, and were often worn with high-

waisted, ankle-length boots or shoes.

Often wore their hair long and curled, sometimes with

a ribbon or headband to hold it back. They might also

wear accessories such as gloves, fans, and parasols.

Woman during the Regency Period

Expected to be well-educated, cultured, and refined,

with a focus on accomplishments such as music, art,

and literature.

Overall, a woman in the Regency period would be

seen as elegant, refined, and cultured, with a strong

sense of personal style and a deep appreciation for

art, literature, and fashion.

Societal roles of women

Wife and mother: Women are raised to believe that

their whole purpose in life is to get married. Not able

to get married means they are useless. Men are

deemed high in society they are heads of their family.

Accomplished woman: Women of higher social

classes were expected to be well-educated and

cultured, with accomplishments in areas such as

music, art, literature, and language.

Conformity to social norms: Women were expected to

adhere to strict social norms and expectations in

terms of behavior, dress, and conduct.

Importance of their role

Daphne- as the diamond of the season, her role is to

be married to a man who is honorable. She believes

she needs to get married because if not, she would

be a disappointment.

Lady Danbury: Lady Danbury is an older woman of

the upper class who embodies the role of the hostess

and entertainer. She hosts lavish parties and social

gatherings, and is known for her wit, charm, and

Success for a women that time

Marrying well: Women were often expected to marry

men of a certain social standing, which could increase

their own social status and financial security. This

required finding a suitable match, often through the

assistance of family and social connections.

Being a good wife and mother: Women were expected to

be good wives and mothers, taking care of their

husbands and children and running the household


Being accomplished: Women of the upper classes were

often expected to be well-educated and accomplished in

areas such as music, art, literature, and needlework.

Success for a women that time

Engaging in charitable work: Women were often

expected to engage in charitable work, such as

supporting hospitals, orphanages, and other

philanthropic causes.

Being a social hostess: Women were often expected to

host and attend social gatherings, such as balls and

dinner parties, and to be charming and gracious in these

settings. This required social skills, poise, and a

knowledge of social etiquette.

Challenges faced by women

Limited opportunities for education and career:

Women during the Regency period had limited access

to education and were often excluded from certain

professions and careers.

Societal expectations: Women of the upper classes

were expected to fulfill certain roles and

expectations, such as being a good wife and mother,

being accomplished in areas such as music and art,

and engaging in charitable work.

Limited social mobility: Social class was a significant

factor in determining one's opportunities and success

during the Regency period.

Challenges faced by women

Marriage pressure: Marriage was a primary goal for

women during the Regency period, and women were

often pressured to marry well in order to secure their

financial future and social status.

Health challenges: Women during the Regency period

faced a variety of health challenges, including

childbirth-related complications and the risk of

contracting infectious diseases.


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