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Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G.

Morgan, physical director of the Young Men’s

Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke,
Massachusetts. It was designed as an indoor sport
for businessmen who found the new game of
basketball too vigorous. Morgan called the sport
“mintonette,” until a professor from Springfield
College in Massachusetts noted the volleying nature
of play and proposed the name of “volleyball.”
It helps us boost endorphin production, blood circulation, nutrient
transport, and oxygen transport.
It helps us burn fat and calories.
builds coordination, balance, speed, agility, and better
eye-hand coordination.
builds and tones muscles
volleyball teaches teamwork and communication and is a great social
To start, flip a coin to determine which team serves the ball first.
Then the two teams will rally—or hit the ball back and forth over the net—
until a fault occurs.
There is a maximum of three hits per side.
The goal is to score points by sending the ball over the net, grounding it into the
opponent's court.

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