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P. 130-131, Ex. 2
1) says that location is her biggest clue to recognising people? – C
I usually depend on venue and this one didn't help me to work out.
2) is in difficulty when everyone dresses the same? – B
Another disadvantage is that you remember absolutely everyone, not just the
people who are important to you
3) has problems if people change their appearance? – A
OK if I can rely on facial clues other than features, such as glasses or an unusual
hairstyle, but it means I can be completely thrown if someone has their hair
coloured, grows a beard or gets contact lenses
4) once failed to recogn ise a friend until he spoke? – D
I walked faster, ignoring him and it was only when his American accent triggered
my memory that I realised it was a man)
5) fears that her disability might affect her work? - B
In fact, I worry that I'm going to lose my clients because of this
6) says she once mistook a stranger for her boyfriend? - A
Then an embarrassing thought struck me. 'We've never met before, have we?' I
asked. 'I don't think so: he replied
7) suspects that people must think she is unfriendly? – C
I probably come across as rather a cold person for never speaking first
8) has had problems identifying herself? – D
I've caught sight of myself in a shop window and not .... realised it was my own
9) prefers to avoid large social gatherings? - B
I obviously try to get out of going to big parties because it's a nightmare with my
10) believes the condition can be passed down the generations? - C
…believe the disorder must run in families
P. 130-131, Ex. 4
1. I came across a pile of old letters while I was tidying up my office. - A find by
chance (натрапити)
2. I probably come across as unfriendly to some people. - C give the
impression/appear (здаватися/мати вигляд)
3. I came up with this plan because I've so often offended people. - D think of
(думати про)
4. I'm sure Paolo will come round to the idea sooner or later. - G agree to
something you're not sure about (прийти до якоїсь думки/ідеї)
5. I think Jess has come down with flu. - F get/catch something (підхопити щось)
6. If I came into money, I'd give some to medical research. - E inherit (отримати
в спадок)
7. My exam results are coming out next week. - H be made public (оприлюднити
8. She's got her twentieth birthday coming up soon. - B happen (статись)
P. 134, Ex. 1
P. 134, Ex. 3
1. I always store my favourite photos in a special box.
2. The photos helped her to recall main rain the events of that day.
3. We reflected on what had gone wrong and how we could improve.
4. He reminded her of her grandfather.
P. 134, Ex. 4
I don't believe in doing exercises to improve your memory.
2. I am in no position to judge whether they are doing the right thing.
3. I am considering writing a family history.
4. He is thinking of becoming a journalist.
5. It is thought that memory declines as people get older.
6. I consider myself lucky that I have such a good memory.
7. You need to judge for yourself whether or not the job is a good opportunity.
8. They are thinking about starting a family.
P. 135, Ex. 1
I think it’s C (Storing too much unnecessary information).
P. 135, Ex. 2
1 - A keeping
2 - D group
3 - A sort out
4 - B available
5 - D search
6 - B wider
7 - C judge
8 - B reminding

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