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Furia raului

In urma cu mult timp, in orasul Timisoara locuiau doi prieteni Dan si Mark. Ei aveau locuinte
apropiate, iar dupa ce terminau temele pentru scoala ieseau la joaca.
Intr-o dupa-amiaza de vara cei doi s-au intalnit si s-au hotarat sa mearga pe marginea raului Bega. Si-
au luat de acasa costumele de baie si prosoapele.
Cei doi au jucat fotbal pe iarba apoi s-au asezat la plaja. Au stat la soare o ora, apoi s-au hotarat sa
intre in apa. Dan stia sa inoate spre deosebire de Mark, care nu se gandise vreodata sa ia lectii de
inot. Dan a inceput sa inoate iar Mark a intrat in apa folosind un colac. Valurile erau involburate dar
cei doi erau curajosi. La un moment dat un val foarte mare se indrepta spre ei. Cei doi au fost dusi
de val spre mijlocul raului. Amandoi s-au speriat, dar mai ales Mark, care nu stia sa inoate.
Au inceput sa strige dupa ajutor si sa dea energic din maini si din picioare. Dupa cateva minute, la ei
au ajuns doi pescari care se aflau in zona. Pescarii i-au adus la mal, pe iarba.

The river fury

A long time ago, two friends Dan and Mark lived in the city of Timisoara. They lived close to each
other, and after finishing their homework, they went out to play.
One summer afternoon, the two met and decided to walk along the edge of the Bega river. They
took their bathing suits and towels from home.
The two played football on the grass and then sat on the beach. They stayed in the sun for an hour,
then they decided to enter the water. Dan could swim unlike Mark, who had never considered taking
swimming lessons. Dan started swimming and Mark entered the water using a floating ring. The
waves were turbulent but the two were brave. At one point a very large wave was heading towards
them. The two were carried by the wave towards the middle of the river. They both got scared, but
especially Mark, who didn't know how to swim.
They started shouting for help and energetically waving their hands and feet. After a few minutes,
two fishermen who were in the area reached them. The fishermen brought them to the shore, on
the grass.
Dan and Mark were sitting on the grassy river bank. They thanked the fishermen. They were tired
and frightened but relieved to be alive. (214 words)

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