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Dear Crosby Elementary School Parents,

I hope that everyone is doing well and staying healthy! Band lessons have been going
well so far, and it is time to get ready for full band rehearsals. So far, your child has been
receiving small group lessons twice a cycle, but we will now begin rehearsing with all the
band students in the morning before school starts. The purpose of full band rehearsals is
to prepare students for our spring concert held in June. Morning rehearsals will only be
once per cycle on F days beginning at 8:15 am, so please drop your child off a few
minutes before so that rehearsals can begin promptly at 8:15 am. As with intramurals,
there will not be school transportation available, so let me know if this might be an issue
and we can figure out a solution. Band rehearsals are a requirement for each student in
the band, exceptions are only made if the student has no way of getting to school early.
Please reach out if this is the case. Rehearsals will run from 8:15 – 8:45 am so your child
will not miss any extra instructional time during the school day.

Our first band rehearsal will be on F day, Thursday, March 23 (assuming no snow days).
Students can be dropped off at the front door and come right to the stage for rehearsal.
If there is a two-hour delay, rehearsal will be cancelled. If there is a snow day, rehearsal
will be the next morning.

To participate in full band rehearsals, each student needs to be at a minimum

performance level so that rehearsals can operate smoothly. Therefore, measures 39-37
in our band song “Rebound” must be prepared to performance level and students
should be able to play the selection by themselves in their lesson. Please make sure they
are practicing regularly and prepared.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s progress or band in general
feel free to email me. Happy practicing and I hope to see you soon at rehearsals!

Carly Ghee
Band Director

Please cut off this bottom section and return the signature to me, confirming that you
are okay with having your child participate in band rehearsals before school.

Student Name _______________________________________

Parent Signature______________________________________

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