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Princess Diaries

A Movie Review

A Partial Requirement in Reading & Writing

Submitted to
Elisita C.Talves

Submitted by

11- HUMSS Tolkien

GM Custodio
Irish Joy Calipayan
Marian Agupe
Gretchen Abella

May 15, 2023


In 2001, the beloved book series "The Princess Diaries" by Meg Cabot was adapted
into a heartwarming film that captured the hearts of audiences of all ages. Directed by Garry
Marshall, "The Princess Diaries" tells the story of Mia Thermopolis, an ordinary high school
student who discovers that she is actually a princess of Genovia. With the help of her
grandmother, Queen Clarisse Renaldi, Mia must learn to navigate the royal world and
embrace her new identity.The director Garry Kent Marshall was an American screenwriter,
film director, producer and actor. He began his career in the 1960s as a writer for The Lucy
Show and The Dick Van Dyke Show until he developed the television adaptation of Neil
Simon's play The Odd Couple. He rose to fame in the 1970s for creating the ABC sitcom
Happy Days, and went on to direct the films The Flamingo Kid, The Princess Diaries and etc.

Mia Thermopolis, played by Anne Hathaway, is a socially awkward high school

student who discovers that she is actually the heir to the throne of the small European
country of Genovia. She is mentored by her grandmother, Queen Clarisse Renaldi, played by
Julie Andrews, who helps her learn the intricacies of royal life and trains her to become a
princess. Along the way, Mia learns to embrace her true identity, build self-confidence, and
stand up for herself and her beliefs.

The author's purpose in writing the novel and the filmmakers' purpose in creating
the movie was to provide a relatable and empowering story for young girls. Meg Cabot
wanted to create a character that young girls could see themselves in and be inspired by,
while the filmmakers aimed to create a positive portrayal of a strong female character who
learns to embrace her inner strength and identity.

The movie was based on the novel of the same name written by Meg Cabot, an
American author who has written several young adult and romance novels. The context in
which the material was written includes Cabot's personal background and beliefs, as well as
the social and cultural conditions in which the novel was produced. The story revolves
around themes of identity, self-discovery, and the challenges that come with being a young

The movie Princess Diaries highlights the significant experiences and relationships of
self-discovery and acceptance of oneself. The main character, Mia, experiences a
transformation from a shy and awkward teenager to a confident and graceful princess. She
initially struggles to accept her royal heritage and finds it difficult to adapt to the rules and
expectations of the royal family. However, with the guidance of her grandmother and the
support of her friends, she learns to embrace her true identity and accept herself for who
she is. Throughout the movie, Mia discovers her unique talents and qualities, such as her
love for writing and her compassionate nature, which ultimately help her become a better
princess and a happier individual. The importance of self-discovery and self-acceptance is
also emphasized through Mia's relationships with her friends and family, who love and
accept her regardless of her social status or appearance. In particular, her friendship with
Lilly, who encourages her to be true to herself and stand up for what she believes in, is a
powerful example of how accepting oneself can lead to strong and meaningful
relationships.The Princess Diaries portrays the transformative power of self-discovery and
acceptance, and highlights the importance of embracing one's true identity and finding
happiness within oneself.

One of the most memorable scenes in "The Princess Diaries" is when Mia receives a
makeover from her grandmother's stylist, Paolo. While the scene is entertaining and fun to
watch, it also raises some important questions about beauty standards and self-
acceptance.The pivotal moment in the film, as it marks Mia's transformation from an
awkward teenager to a confident young woman. The scene is set in a salon where Mia is
introduced to Paolo, her grandmother's stylist, who proceeds to give her a complete

Paolo's transformation of Mia involves various elements of grooming, including

makeup, hair styling, and wardrobe. Mia is initially hesitant about the makeover, but as she
begins to see the results, she becomes more confident and self-assured.

The problematic aspect of the scene in the movie Princess Diaries is that it reinforces
gender stereotypes. The scene shows Mia transforming from a bookish, nerdy girl to a
confident and beautiful woman after receiving a makeover. This reinforces the idea that a
woman's worth and confidence are based solely on her appearance, rather than her
intelligence, personality, or abilities.The scene highlights the pressure society places on
women to conform to certain beauty standards. Mia is told that in order to be accepted as a
princess, she must change her hairstyle, clothing, and overall appearance to fit within a
narrow standard of beauty.

Furthermore, the scene perpetuates the idea that women need to rely on others,
particularly men, to achieve success and happiness. Mia's transformation is largely due to
the efforts of her grandmother and the stylists, rather than her own agency and self-
discovery.The scene may seem lighthearted and fun, it reinforces harmful gender
stereotypes and sends a problematic message to viewers.
The use of irony is evident in Mia's initial reluctance to embrace her royal duties,
despite being a princess. This reluctance is juxtaposed with the eventual outcome of her
transformation, where she realizes that being a princess comes with a sense of duty and
responsibility. The irony in her transformation lies in the fact that she originally believed
that her lack of confidence and stature made her unworthy of being a princess, but in
reality, it is her inner strength and character that make her a true princess. The use of
foreshadowing is evident in the various challenges and obstacles Mia faces throughout the
film, all of which serve to prepare her for the moment when she must fully embrace her
royal responsibilities. This gradual buildup of tension and anticipation culminates in the final
scene, where Mia confidently steps into her role as Queen of Genovia and fulfills her destiny
as a true princess.

The movie "Princess Diaries" is a satisfying culmination of the story's themes and
character arcs. Mia, the awkward and shy teenager who learns she's a princess, undergoes a
transformation throughout the movie, growing in confidence and poise as she prepares to
take on her royal duties. By the end of the movie, she not only embraces her identity as a
princess but also discovers her own voice and agency, standing up for herself and her

The movie is particularly effective because it ties up all the loose ends in a satisfying
way. Mia's relationships with her grandmother and her best friend are resolved with
touching moments that feel earned. Mia's romantic subplot with her crush reaches a
satisfying conclusion that is both heartwarming and realistic.

One of the most impressive things about the conclusion of "Princess Diaries" is how
it manages to be both uplifting and grounded. Mia's transformation is inspiring but also
believable, as she still retains her essential personality traits and quirks. The movie also
doesn't shy away from the challenges that come with being a princess, showing that Mia will
have to work hard to live up to the expectations placed on her.

Overall, the conclusion of "Princess Diaries" is a strong finish to a charming and

engaging movie. It provides a sense of closure and also leaving the audience eager to see
what adventures Mia will have in the future.
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