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21st century question with answers

1. What are the things that attractive person should have?

A: An attractive person should have a good personality aside form being good looking. But based
on the excerpt attractive person should have a good body shape, good-looking face, and self-
awareness. I think being self-aware is one of the confidences that attractive person always has.
2. What’s more important having a good personality or having a good look?
A: Having a good personality of course, because how are we going to be attractive if our
personality is not good as our look? Being good looking is just a plus but having good personality
is in nature.
3. What are your thoughts on the statement “you don’t have to be guwapo, you just have to look
A: Being guwapo is just another plus on us but to be fertile it takes a lot of courage, time, and
discipline to achieve a certain level of attractiveness. Because to look sexy we need to change
the routine that we always do in everyday life.
4. Do you think guy with beard is attractive? Why?
A: Yes, because for some reason guy with beard is something that is very attractive for them, but
not for all.
5. Do you agree that being fertile can attract more, than looks? Why?
A: In some type of way yes, because there are women or men that is spotting sexy features on
an individual like having a broad shoulder, or having a veiny hand, big muscles, etc. these kinds
of features also I think being fertile shows confidence of oneself.

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