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Bible Believers’


Vol. 46 No. 2 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17) February 2022


By Brian Donovan
(Part One of Two)
The Lord God has given mankind scripture, the “word”, is holy (2 Tim.
“the truth” (John 14:6), manifest in 3:15), and pure (Prov. 30:5; Psalm
the flesh as the “Word” (John 1:1), 119:140), and light (Psa. 119:105),
in the person of Jesus Christ (I Tim. and eternal (Psa. 119:89).
3:16); as well as the truth, manifested Recently, a man mailed a three-
in written form, referred to as “the page article to me entitled “Why the
scripture of truth” (Dan. 10:21), or KJV is Not 100% Perfect-And What
simply “thy word” (John 17:17). This That Means For Preservation”, writ-
absolute truth can be sought out and ing that “because I noticed that you
read with your own eyes (Isa. 34:16), teach that the KJV is perfect, I hope
heard with your ears (Rom. 10:17), you prayerfully consider it.” His article
and even handled with your own two does not give any scripture to back
hands (2 Cor. 4:2) as it has been his claim and does not give a single
preserved in the worldwide language instance where the KJV is not perfect.
of English in the King James Bible. The writer gave me nothing to either
“All scripture is given by inspi- consider or pray about. He whines
ration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16) and, that some Baptists question his salva-
therefore, by definition, cannot con- tion because he denies preservation,
tain error. Just as Jesus Christ, the but I would only question the sanity
“Word”, is holy (1 Pet. 1:15), and of someone who titles an article like
pure (1 John 3:3), and light (John that and then does not prove it with
8:12), and eternal (John 8:58), so the a single word or verse to show us
where the KJV is not perfect.
He argues that “God has not put
In This Bulletin the preservation of his Word (sic) in
The King James 1611—Without the hands of a single language group
Proven Error.....................................1 or nation”, and then accuses me of
Examine Yourselves.........................2 denying history if I believe otherwise.
A Necessary Revelation.................25 Continued on 16

Examine Yourselves
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
“For though he was crucified good job. Those are luxuries—those
through weakness, yet he liveth are blessings! Amen? Alright, do you
by the power of God. For we also thank God for them? How about your
are weak in him, but we shall live income? You say, well, right now I
with him by the power of God don’t have any. Well be thankful for
toward you. Examine yourselves, what you had.
whether ye be in the faith; prove Have you thanked God for shel-
your own selves. Know ye not ter? Some of us have been in the
your own selves, how that Jesus army and know what a blessing a
Christ is in you, except ye be good shelter is. I’ve slept out on
reprobates?” (2 Cor. 13:4-5) the ground in North Carolina in the
I want to call your attention to winter, where my coveralls stuck all
these words in verse 5, “Examine night with the frost. That’s nothing
yourselves” and “prove your own real hard—I haven’t been through
selves”. You might call this a check- it real hard. But I’ve been through
list for spiritual growth. Whatever it four-inch rains where everything in
is, it is a self-examination—espe- your pack was wet—including your
cially for young Christians. Some cigars. Do you ever thank God for a
of you old-timers are pretty familiar roof over your head? Do you know
with what I am going to say, but how many people there are right
some of you need a check-up too! now that are homeless? Do you
I have some questions you should have a roof over your head? Aren’t
ask yourself. This is check-up time. you glad you’re not sleeping out in
You should ask yourself these the gutter tonight?
questions in the first person sin- Aren’t you glad you’ve got clothes
gular. Do I thank God daily for and blankets and stuff? Do you
blessings? That’s the first question. thank God for them? I never fail
You do, or you don’t. Now I have to to think of that because of all the
ask myself the same question. Do infantry training. When a real bad
I thank God daily for blessings? night comes up, I get thinking, “Boy,
Do you remember to thank God for am I glad I am not in the platoon
your health? Maybe you don’t have in attack tonight.” I mean, twenty
much health. Do you thank God for below zero and fifty-mile-an-hour
the health you do have? How about winds. You’re lying on the ground
your family? Do you ever thank God getting shot at.
for your family? A lot of families Some of those German boys’
are torn all to pieces. Do you have colons froze. They couldn’t even
a job? Do you thank God daily for go to the bathroom. They were all
these things? plugged up and freezing to death.
These things I’m talking about are I’ve got a nice warm house to stay
not your “rights”. You don’t have a in. Do you thank God for it?
right to have a family, health, or a Continued on 3

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 2 hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Do you ever thank God for your If you’ve got it in for somebody,
food? Do you ever thank God you you need to get rid of it. Are you
have a place to go to hear the Bible always willing to forgive?
preached? There are plenty of One of the fellows I heard preach
people who can’t go where the Bible right after I got saved was a Scots-
is preached. Overseas, millions of man named James McGinley. He
people don’t have any place to go. had a real appeal to me. He was
Do you thank God for your safety? a short man like I am, he was in
I mean, you don’t have trouble wor- the infantry like I was, and he was
rying about whether you’re going to a Scotchman. (I’ve got a Hamilton
get mugged or raped when you walk in my line.) He was saved when he
out the door. The time may come, was twenty-seven years old, and I
but it hasn’t come yet. Thank God was saved at twenty-seven. I was a
your kid can run out in the front veteran from World War II, and he
yard without you worrying about was from the first World War. Out of
him getting kidnapped in the front two hundred men in his company,
yard or getting shot. he was the only one to survive.
Alright, ask yourself this; am I One time, he gave an illustration
always willing to forgive? Have I in his scotch brogue about forgiv-
forgiven everybody and anybody ing people. He said, “Me and my
that I have to forgive? Are you willing spouse, a little fight had got going
to forgive? You say what? Anything. there, and it must’ve lasted about
“But if ye forgive not men their a week or so. We wasn’t talking to
trespasses, neither will your one another.” He said, “Finally, I
Father forgive your trespasses” got fed up with things, and I came
(Matt. 6:15). to her at breakfast one morning
Now we know our sins are taken and said, ‘Listen, I want to tell you
care of at Calvary. But if you want something. I am going downtown
your prayers answered, that’s today and coming back, I am go-
something else. ing to get in a car wreck, and I am
“Grudge not one against an- going to get killed. You’re going to
other, brethren, lest ye be con- have a funeral for me. I am going
demned: behold, the judge stand- to be lying there in my coffin, and
eth before the door” (James 5:9). you’re going to come by with your
“Husbands, love your wives, crocodile tears. I’m going to ask
and be not bitter against them” God to let me come back for just a
(Col. 3:19). minute and point my finger at you
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell and say, “Looky here, I couldn’t
with them according to knowl- get your forgiveness when I was
edge, giving honour unto the wife, alive, so I don’t want it when I’m
as unto the weaker vessel, and as dead.”’ She said, ‘I’ll forgive you,
being heirs together of the grace I’ll forgive you.’”
of life; that your prayers be not Continued on 4

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 3 realize time is passing by;
The Bible says, “Be ye angry, And rise and go and tell the lost,
and sin not: let not the sun go despite my plans despite the cost.
down upon your wrath” (Eph. Too long I’ve laid me down to
4:26). You say, “Why?”. Well, twelve sleep, while multitudes about me
hours is a long time to be mad at weep;
anybody. If you have to go to bed And other cries of dark despair,
with it, it’ll keep you up all night. for no one ever seems to care.
Are you always willing to forgive? My life is short, and soon I’ll
Do I search the scriptures when stand, with sinner’s blood upon
confronted with a problem? When a my hand;
problem comes up, do you go to the Unless I wake before I die, and
scriptures immediately and search realize time is passing me by.
for an answer? Do you appreciate the Lord
“If any of you lack wisdom, let enough to go through something to
him ask of God, that giveth to witness to somebody? “Oh, people
all men liberally, and upbraideth mock me and turn me down.” Well,
not; and it shall be given him” can you do it for His sake?
(James 1:5). An old preacher friend of mine
“All scripture is given by in- (he’s dead now) was a remarkable
spiration of God, and is profit- personal worker. One time he dealt
able for doctrine, for reproof, with a businessman—a big shot.
for correction, for instruction in He came to the businessman’s
righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). office and said, “I just want to tell
There are four things: doctrine, you how to get saved.” The fellow
reproof, correction, and instruction said, “I don’t want to know how to
in that book. Now, if you were up get saved.” My preacher friend said,
against a problem, wouldn’t that “Well maybe you don’t but here’s a
be worth something? The doctrine verse of scripture. ‘For whosoever
is to show you what’s right, the shall call upon the name of the
reproof is to show you what’s not Lord shall be saved.’” The fellow
right, the correction is to show you said, “I don’t want to hear noth-
how to get right, and the instruction ing about that.” He said, “I know
is how to keep right. So, the whole you don’t, but ‘…God so loved
thing is there! the world, that he gave his only
Am I grateful enough to witness begotten Son, that whosoever
to others? Are you thankful enough believeth in him should not per-
for your salvation so that you are not ish, but have everlasting life.’”
ashamed to witness and to speak He put scripture on him!
up for Christ? The guy began to get furious
Too long I’ve laid me down to said, “I don’t want to get saved.
sleep, and prayed the Lord my soul I’m not interested in hearing about
to keep. it.” He said, “I know that, but ‘But
I should awake before I die, and Continued on 5

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 4 they got in, they found him charred
he was wounded for our trans- all to pieces.
gressions, he was bruised for About twenty years later, a wom-
our iniquities: the chastisement an came to the graveyard there in
of our peace was upon him; and Brooklyn with a big bunch of flow-
with his stripes we are healed.’” ers. She went over to his grave and
The guy stopped him about the fifth knelt down. The caretaker was going
time and said, “I want to get saved!”. through there and said, “A loved one
He led him to Christ! there?”. She said, “Yes.” He said,
Now that’s going against heavy “Was it your father? She said, “No.”
oppositions, but he loved the Lord And he said, “Was it your brother
enough to go ahead and do it. or son?”. She said, “No.” He said,
Back in Brooklyn around 1910, Well, who was it?” She said, “This
there was a fire. In the old days, is the fireman who saved my life!”.
they had horse-drawn fire engines You shouldn’t be ashamed to tell
with alarms and bells ringing for a anybody! Are you grateful enough
fire. A woman came out of a grocery to witness to others?
store, heard the alarms, and saw Have I learned to live one day at
the horses going by. About a block a time? Ask yourself that question.
from there, they pulled in front of Am I messed up with the future
the apartment she lived in. It was or messed up with the past? One
on fire, and she had a baby girl day at a time! That’s a great thing.
in there about two years old. She A fellow said, “Live every day like
screamed and ran there. About the it’s your last day because one day
time the fireman had gotten there it will be.” That’s true.
and gotten out, she tried to go in the I recall another great personal
building. They wouldn’t let her go worker who went to see a busi-
in—the whole building was on fire. nessman. This one was a doctor, a
She’s was screaming, “My baby is fellow out in Kansas City; his name
in there, my baby is in there.” was Wilson. He came to talk to a
One of the firemen said, “I will go businessman, and the business-
in.” His fellow fireman tried to keep man was rough with him and rude.
him from going in. He said, “I’m go- He said, “What do you want?”. The
ing to try to save that baby—let go!”. doctor said, “I came here to talk to
Finally, they let go of him, and he you about your soul.” He said, “I’m
went in. Suddenly, the whole inside a businessman, and I’m very busy;
started caving in, and the staircases I don’t have time to talk about my
came down. Up in about the second soul. You’ll have to get out.” As he
or third floor, the fireman yelled out, got up to leave, he shook his hand
“I’m throwing the baby out; get the and said, “Suppose I had been
net ready. I’m not going to make death? You’d give him some time,
it—get the baby!”. They pulled up wouldn’t you?”.
the net, and here comes this two- Live every day like the last one
year-old girl out the window. Once Continued on 6

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 5 that for?”. You’re supposed to do
you live because it may be the last something with it!
one you live. A lot of folks are not very good
Here is another question. Do I stewards. A fellow said, “Living on
cast all my burdens on the Lord a budget is the same thing as liv-
instead of worrying? Do you do ing beyond your means except you
that? You say, “Ruckman, I have a now have a record of it!”. How far
need.” What do you need? Do you are you in the hole? The best way
need a job? Have you talked to Him to double your money is to fold it
about it—Have you put it on Him? in half and stuff it in your wallet!
He said, “Casting all your care That’s living one day at a time when
upon him; for he careth for you” it comes to being a good steward
(1 Pet. 5:7). of money and time.
Do you need a mate? Are you Now let me ask you this. If you
praying about it? Maybe you need have to sell a home, or give up a
a whipping. Have you prayed about job, or convert your assets into
that? How about a humbling? “But money for missions, and God calls
my God shall supply all your upon you to do something like that,
need…”! How about money? Is do you do it willingly? Ask yourself,
there anybody who doesn’t need do I do it joyfully? The Lord loves a
some money? I don’t need any, cheerful giver. When you’re asked
but if I had it, I’d give it away re- to give something up, do you do it
ally quick! Do you talk to the Lord cheerfully?
about it? Do you put it on him? Do Disappointment comes. I went
you cast your burden on Him? Do through one in my life—a pretty
you need wisdom? Have you prayed rough thing with my family all torn
and asked Him for it? up. A real happy time, man! After
Do you need sleep? Cast your going on through that about a year,
burden on the Lord, put it on Him— I was up with a friend of mine in
just keep talking to Him until you Michigan, an old Tennessee boy.
go to sleep. I was complaining about the situa-
Am I a steward of time and mon- tion, and he said, “Well, have you
ey? Ask yourself that. Am I a good thanked God for it yet?”. I stopped
steward of the time God gives me? to think about it, and it had been
Do I use it right? When God gives nearly a year, and I hadn’t thanked
me money, do I use it right? He tells God for it at all. I had done every-
one fellow to “give an account of thing but that.
thy stewardship; for thou mayest I’ve been over in that gym getting
be no longer steward” (Luke 16:2). ready to play hockey with nobody
He asked some others, “Where showing up that night. I was just
is that money I gave you?”. One standing there, and we were going
guy said, “I buried it.” Another guy through some very tough times with
said, “I wrapped it up in a napkin.” the church. I could feel the inside
The Lord said, “What did you do Continued on 7

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 6 this—I tried to make myself look
of my stomach just empty, boy. good there.
You get a sickened feeling in your When you get up in the morning,
stomach—it’s a vacuum. There isn’t do like Paul did. When Paul got
anything there. That’s the time to saved on the road to Damascus, do
start turning to the Lord right then you know the first thing he said? He
and there and submit and start asked, “Lord, what wilt thou have
thanking God. me to do?”. Get up in the morning
Tom Malone got within a year of and ask the Lord, “what can I do
graduating from a Methodist school for you today?” If God wants you
after he got saved, and they dropped to do something for Him today, are
him. They wouldn’t ordain him as a you going to do it? Are you going
Methodist minister, and he had all to find out what it is? Start the day
the requirements for the last year with that. “Here am I; send me.”
and a half. He was in deep depres- That’s what Isaiah says in Isaiah 6:8.
sion and thinking of quitting the The Lord had a job for me, but I
ministry. And later on, he thanked had too much to do.
God that they didn’t ordain him. Be- I had said, you get somebody
cause of a bunch of liberal, unsaved else or wait till I get through.
Methodists, that bird ended up as I don’t know how the Lord came
an independent Baptist preacher out, no doubt He got along.
with a congregation of about eight But I felt kind of sneaky like I
hundred people. What seemed like knew I had done Him wrong.
the bottom dropping out was the One day I needed the Lord,
thing getting done right. needed Him right away,
Bob Jones Sr. was a Methodist But He never answered me at all,
preacher, and they took away his but I could hear Him say
ordination papers when he put up Down in my accusing heart, child,
that school. Don’t you know that was I’ve got too much to do.
a letdown for him? He graduated You can get somebody else or
from a Christian school in Greens- wait until I get through.
boro, AL, and served faithfully as Now, when the Lord has a job for
an evangelist for fifteen years. They me, I never try to shirk.
dropped him and took his papers I drop what I have in my hand
away from him. Did he thank God and do the Lord’s good work.
for it? I don’t know, but I know it’s So your affairs can run along or
one of the tests—be willing. wait till you get through,
Ask yourself this, do I begin and For nobody else can do the work
end each day with prayer? Did you that God has marked out for you.
start today with prayer? When you I can’t do your work, and you
go to bed at night, do you close can’t do mine. God has something
in prayer? Do you go back and for you, so you’re to find out what
review the day? I’ve said this and it is and do it.
didn’t mean it—I should’ve said Continued on 8

Examine Yourselves
Continued from 7 nobody in that building, and I got
Alright, finally, ask yourself this. down on my knees to pray.
How real is heaven to me? I didn’t even know how to pray,
“While we look not at the things but I remember what I prayed. I
which are seen, but at the things said, “I want to go home. I don’t
which are not seen: for the things know where home is. I don’t know
which are seen are temporal; but where I came from, and I need to
the things which are not seen are get back wherever I came from.” I
eternal” (2 Cor 4:18). said, “I’ve had enough of it—I can’t
It is awfully hard to imagine it take another minute of it. I’ve been
because you can’t see it. How real shot at and cussed and dumped
is it to me? Is it as real to me as and torn up and down this place.
it was to Billy Bray? I’ve told you If there is any such thing as home,
about Billy Bray. His wife died, and I want to get home.” Later on, at
they came to the house, and he was the radio station, I had to accept
running around the house, jumping the Lord as my Savior. But I was
on the sofa and everything. He was thinking about that. Right at that
saying, “Praise the Lord! Glory to time, maybe Heaven wasn’t real
God! Joy has gone home to be with to me, but boy, I’ll tell you one
the angels. Glory to God! Is it like thing, the world wasn’t real to me.
that to you? I had enough here, boy—I had had
Are you sure of it? Is it real to enough! I’ve never changed my
you? Is it as real to you as it was to mind about that.
Paul? Of course, I’ve got to argue The dentist and doctor always
with him. It will never be as real to say you need to get a check-up
me as it was Paul—he saw it! That every so often. Well, a Christian
was a sneaky thing to do. To go in should check himself on these
there and see Heaven and then things.
come back and tell me, I’ve got to Do you thank God daily for bless-
live by faith! I never did like that ings? Are you always willing to for-
part of the Bible! give? Do you search the scriptures
But it ought to be real to you; when confronted with a problem?
you’re seated together with Him Are you grateful enough to witness
in heavenly places. You’re going to others? Have you learned to live
through all kinds of things right one day at a time? Do you cast all
now. And some of it is pretty rough, your burdens on the Lord instead
but you’re going home. You’ve got of worrying? Are you a steward of
a home. time and money? If God calls upon
I got on my knees in a Method- you to give something up, do you do
ist church down there on Palafox. it willingly? Do you begin and end
I was half over a hangover, shoes each day with prayer? How real is
untied, and no shave for three days. heaven to you?
I busted in that place in a rainstorm “Examine yourselves, …prove
and got on my knees. There with your own selves.”

This book describes the WAR OF

REBELLION against the scholars
who have ditched the King James
Bible and who have held the Body
of Christ in bondage to their opin-
ions and preferences, now, for over
a hundred years.

Using anecdotes from military his-

tory, Dr. Ruckman illustrates the
battle he has fought against Chris-
tian scholarship for nearly 54 years.

The purpose of this book is to get

the Christian soldier to think and
act in a disciplined manner so he
can “WAR a good WARFARE”
in the battle for the truth.
12 95
187 Pages

(Plus postage—see page 18)

Where Do The
Dead Go?
No one can tell for sure where he
will go when he dies unless he
believes what the Bible says about
the subject. Explains life after death
before and after Calvary.
32 Pages
(Plus postage — see page 18)
$ 50
  Thanks to the work of a
member of the Bible Bap-
tist Church, the Bookstore is
now happy to offer an index
of every Scripture reference
given in 82 of Dr. Ruckman’s
works. This index gives the
Scripture reference, the book
in which it is found, along
with the page number on
which it was located at the
time of compilation. This can
be a wonderful tool for those
who want to search “the
scriptures daily, whether
those things were so” (Acts

447 Pages (Spiral Bound)

RF-1685 19 95
(Plus postage—see page 18)

Reveals the Hidden Alliance

Between the New Versions
of the Bible and the New Age
Movement’s One-World Religion
This 719-page book reveals the astonishing
truth about the new Bible versions. The result
of an exhaustive six-year collation of the new
Bible versions, distinguished scholar G. A.
Riplinger examines the manuscripts, critical
editions, lexicons, and dictionaries behind the
new versions, exposing their occult origins
and contents. Also examined: new, as yet
unreleased materials used in preparing a
coming New Age Bible, to be the cornerstone
of the Antichrist’s one-world religion and

(Plus postage—see page 18) KJ-1738  


Corrie's life is a testimony of forgiveness,

compassion, and courage to do what is right.
"No pit is so deep," she believed, "that God's
great love is greater still."

Heroes for Young Readers introduces younger

children to the lives of Christian heroes!

$ 99 Corrie Ten Boom
Shining in the Darkness
BG 1281

The Bro. Donovan’s

Untold History Meeting Schedule
Of the Bible February 4–6
  Open Door Baptist Church
  7688 Market Ave. N
  Canton, OH 44721
  Pastor Bob Butterfield
  (330) 494-9774

March 11–13
  Red Lion Bible Church
  105 Springvale Road
  Red Lion, PA 17356
  Pastor Steve Shmuck
  (717) 244-3905

Based on the award winning April 8–10

documentary, “A Lamp in the Dark,”   Bible Baptist Church
this newly edited version is about   619 Albemarle Road
half the length of the three-hour   Asheboro, NC 27203
original. It has been designed as   Pastor Tom Cochran
a concise witnessing tool, while   (336) 625-6095
preserving the vital insights and
dramatic integrity of the original. May 13–15
Running time: 105 minutes.   New Heights Baptist Church
DV-62910   15490 E Hampden Avenue

  Ste 100
  Aurora, CO 80013
  Pastor Adrian Dominguez
  (720) 532-4630
(Plus postage—see page 18)

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The Bookstore is pleased

to offer the volume com-
pleting Dr. Ruckman’s
comments on the entire
New Testament. Based
on Dr. Ruckman’s Sun-
day school teaching, the
work covers the textual
distinctives of the Gos-
pel of Mark, with the at-
tacks of the textual and
higher critics discussed
and refuted. The doctri-
nal progress of the gospel
message from the minis-
try of Christ to its proc-
lamation in the Acts of
the Apostles is traced. Roman Catholic teachings on the
Passion Week and the Crucifixion are shown to be leg-
ends and myths. As in all the commentaries in this series,
Dr. Ruckman, in his own signature way, makes practical

19 95
application to the life
of the believer as well Gluebound
as an evangelistic em-
phasis for the lost. Ringbound (RK-41RB)............... $22.95
Hardbound Red (RK-41HR)....... $27.95
(Plus postage—see page 18) Hardbound Green (RK-41HG).... $27.95

Viewing The Truth

A collection of 65
of Dr. Ruckman’s ser-
mon outlines with their
accompanying full-
color illustrations as Dr.
Ruckman drew them in
his “chalk talks.”
8½ x 11 inches


(Plus postage—see page 18)

29 95

Brian Donovan Jared Pilkington
Things That Cannot Be Shaken A Burning Fire
Fight to the Finish
The Word Made Flesh Nathaniel Trundy
Reaction of a Hothead Backsliding

Zack Colvin All of December’s sermons

Don’t Get Used to the Dark on one MP3

Brian Moore $
2 Tim. 3 DC-2112 



Hardbound comes in Red or Green



Genesis Luke
Exodus John
Joshua Acts
Judges - Ruth Romans
Ezra - Esther 1 & 2 Corinthians
Job Galatians - Colossians
Psalms (Vol. 1) 1 & 2 Thessalonians and
Psalms (Vol. 2)  Philemon
Proverbs Pastoral Epistles
Ecclesiastes Hebrews
Song of Solomon Gen. Epistles (Vol. 1)
Daniel   James, 1-2 Peter
Minor Prophets (Vol. 1) Gen. Epistles (Vol. 2)
Minor Prophets (Vol. 2)   1-2-3 John, Jude
Matthew Revelation
Mark (Plus postage—see page 18)


Continued from 1
The Lord put His words (Rom. one Book in English, the end time
3:1–2), and their preservation worldwide language, in the perfect
(Deut. 31:24-26, Num. 4:4) in the KJV1611. Now, if the critic wants
hands of a single “nation” (Israel) us to “prayerfully consider” any-
and a “single language group” thing else, give us proof where it
(Hebrew) for a few thousand years, is NOT perfect. That proof needs to
and this guy is telling us that we come from the scripture, not your
are denying history? His idea of common sense, logical reasoning
preservation is that “the Bible is abilities, or your opinions.
preserved collectively...that means Our position does not care that
that there exists right now on earth someone does not like the way
every correct reading of every Bible that the Lord deals with mankind,
passage ever written—but not in which includes isolating and divid-
one book.” ing the truth. If someone wanted to
That position means that no get to the scriptures in 500 B.C.,
one anywhere in the world has he could not get them in Greek,
the scripture today. Our position Chinese, Spanish, or Swahili; he
is that the Lord gave the Old Tes- had to come to the Jew, to whom
tament words in Hebrew, the New the words were given.
Testament words in Greek, and The Lord does not change (Mal.
preserved them both together into Continued on 19

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Continued from 16 But the word “it” is singular, and
3:6), but He certainly changes the his position has no “it” to go to.
way He deals with mankind, es- His position leaves himself as the
pecially in how He dispenses the authority to go through the Greek
truth. Adam was able to walk and manuscripts and decide for himself
talk with the Lord, and audibly hear what the English translation should
His voice in the garden in the cool be. Sorry, sir, but we pay attention
of the day (Gen.3:8). There was to words and have been on over
nothing written, only spoken. Once thirty foreign mission fields and
Israel was called out of Egypt and know that there most certainly are
made a nation (Exod. 19:6), the plenty of “controversies in various
Lord dispensed His words through Bibles in various languages”.
Moses (Exod. 20:19), who then The missionaries rage today
wrote them down to be preserved over the doctrinal differences be-
by Levitical priests (Deut. 31:9). tween the Spanish versions of the
The Lord gave His words to His Reina Valera 1865, the Reina Val-
prophets, as Jeremiah, Daniel, era 1960, the Reina Valera Gomez,
and others, who also wrote them and the Valera 1602. They argue
down in Hebrew. in Germany over the Luther 1545
The New Testament scriptures readings versus the Schlachter
were given in Greek, preserved Bibel. Various controversies rage
by prophets and scribes within the in the French, Italian, Portuguese,
church, the body of Christ (Matt. Japanese and Russian transla-
23:34—notice the future tense), yet tions. Whenever a proponent holds
nowhere were all of the scriptures up one of those translations and
found in one book. We have them says it is perfect, and without er-
now in the Book, the scriptures ror, it would be up to a critic to
given by inspiration, and preserved disprove the claim with scripture.
perfect in English, the KJV. Though A critic has no business claiming
certainly many have tried, no one error if he cannot give scripture to
has ever proven a single error in prove the errors.
it—period. I am not interested in proving
The author’s feeble attempt to errors in foreign translations; I
correct our Bible-believing posi- am interested in preaching and
tion says that “the point is that teaching and defending the only
99%+ of the text of these various perfect Book I know, the KJV1611
Bibles in various languages has English Bible that is “given by in-
little to no serious controversy” (so spiration” and preserved without
his position is that God keeps 99 error. It remains today as the only
percent of His promise to preserve authority by which I am to “judge
His words), and continues with, all things” (1 Cor. 2:15).
“That means that what we have is As believers of the holy scrip-
more than accurate enough to get tures, we accept them as the final
everything that we need out of it.”
Continued on 20


Continued from 21 fore he ever read it. Attacking the
authority in all matters of faith scriptures in The Age of Reason,
and practice. The KJV stands he admitted that he was writing
without proven error and is the against the Bible, and only later,
only absolute authoritative bar by “furnished myself with a Bible and
which we measure all branches Testament; and I can say that I
of knowledge, including history, have found them to be much worse
philosophy, logic, mathematics, books than I had imagined...if I
the sciences, and the “Christian” have has been by speak-
educators and scholarly critics. ing much better of those books than
When either a saved or a lost soul they deserved”. Well, of course
rejects the absolute authority of he would find them to be wicked
the scriptures, they are reduced books since he already had his
to subjecting the truth through the mind made up before he read them.
filters of their own logic, reason, His Creator, and the very Author of
observation, and common sense. the books he called wicked, made
Of course, to the lost soul, this sure that Paine would be deceived
makes perfect sense because he and found only the answers that
has made himself his own god, and were “according to the multitude
who is more qualified or capable of his idols” (Ezek. 14:4–9). A
of being a judge over himself? man’s approach to the scriptures
Due to this world’s refusal to will determine what he gets from
submit to the authority of the them. The Lord looks to a man that
Creator over their lives by the Continued on 21
revelation of Himself through the
holy scriptures, they will believe
a lie—any lie—over the truth.
The attacks on the King James
Bro. Colvin’s
Bible are their hopes to relieve Meeting Schedule
themselves of submitting to it as
the final authority and absolute March 25-27
truth. Professing atheists, hu- Bible Believer’s Baptist Church
manists, agnostics, and religious 128 Goodman St.
fanatics constantly attempt to find Munfordville, KY 42765
any mistake possible, convincing Pastor Sean Riggs
themselves that they have found (270) 524-5678
a reason so that they do not have
to listen to the Book, nor believe April 21-24
it. Most of their invented errors Bible Believer’s Baptist Church
prove that they have never even 7676 County Road 200
read it for themselves. Joplin, MO 64801
Thomas Paine, back in the Pastor Brad Friesen
1700s, made up his mind that (417) 673-8077
the Bible was a wicked book be-


Continued from 20 refuted the supposed error with,
will have a “contrite spirit and “the Gospels aren’t meant to be
trembleth at my word” (Isa. 66:2). simply factual reports but bring out
When Thomas Paine was done, the theological significance of real
he patted himself on the back and events for their intended audience.
amused himself as having “gone So Matthew places Jesus’ sermon
through the Bible as a man would on a mount, in order to bring out a
go through a wood with an axe on connection all his original Jewish
his shoulders and fell trees. Here Christian readers would recognize
they lie.” No sir, here you lie with immediately. Namely, Jesus speak-
your body in the dirt, your soul ing on a mount about the law would
burning in hell, and the eternal remind them how God gave Moses
scriptures living on. It is reported the law on Mt. Sinai. Luke wrote
from eyewitnesses, that on his primarily for Hellenistic Christians
deathbed, Paine was asked by his who would not pick up on that con-
Dr. Manley if he wished to believe nection so readily”.
on Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Reading that so-called “Chris-
to which he replied, “I have no wish tian” response would make me
to believe on that subject.” So he want to side with the atheist as
died without God and without hope, having more sense. You would
and only his pamphlets (Common have to go to a “Christian” college
Sense, The Rights of Man, and to come up with something so stu-
The Crisis) to comfort his miser- pid because no one just reading
able soul. the Bible on their own would think
One of the problems is that that way. This “scholarly” approach
these Bible critics go up against to the scriptures allows for errors
professing Christians who do not and outright lies by the writers, and
believe the scriptures themselves, they can write anything they want,
and therefore, end up giving an- without any regard for accurate
swers that are so lame, the lost facts of history and the truth. The
critic is convinced that his points “scholarly” answer basically said
are unanswerable, and Christians that Matthew was not saying that
are idiots. Jesus was really on a mount, and
As an example, one paper written Luke was not really saying that
by a Christian, referring to himself He was on a plain; they were both
as a “Bible scholar”, attempted to just trying to teach a “theological
answer supposed errors presented significance”.
by an atheist, and only helped The truth is that Jesus preached
prove the lost man’s arguments. one sermon on a mountain (Matt.
For instance, the critic showed 5) and another one just like it on a
that in Matthew 5:1, Jesus “went plain (Luke 6) with the same infor-
up into a mountain” to preach, mation. The sermons are preached
and Luke 6:17 says he “stood in at two different places, at two
the plain”. The “Bible scholar” Continued on 20


Continued from 21 years ago (or three million de-
different times, and this is done pending on whose skeleton is said
today by preachers all the time. to be older—but what is a million
The same buffoon tries to answer years among friends?). They are
the problem of two creation ac- only wrong on the place (Africa),
counts that do not match, given in the time (2 million B.C.), and the
Genesis chapter one and chapter source (apes). Now they scurry to
two as follows: “As for two accounts answer the problem of the lack of
of creation...while they are both population numbers over those two
interested in telling us who created to three million years. Where are
everything, neither are interested in all the humans that should have
telling us how he did it. Neither one multiplied over such a huge pas-
is telling us the actual sequence of sage of time?
creation, but describes creation in One anthropologist’s textbook
figurative language. We can turn answer is “...there must have been
to science and ask the questions very small increases during the
how God did it”!!! Paleolithic period...the population
Can you imagine presenting must have remained stagnant over
yourself as a Bible scholar and thousands of years.” Nice try doc-
talking like that? He proves that tor, the population would have had
he can’t even read, let alone teach to remain stagnant for hundreds
the Bible. Genesis chapter one of thousands of years to the point
gives a chronological sequence where Johansson’s East African
by each day (“the evening and “Lucy” (dated at 3.2 million years),
the morning were the first day…, did not know how to have kids.
second…, third…,” etc.), and The present world population
chapter two is not a chronologi- charts support the Bible chronology
cal account. Any reader can see of a six thousand year time span
that, so the apparent differences of humans (hominids, robustus,
arise from separate accounts. habilis, neanderthal, cro-magnon,
Since chapter two does not give etc.), and that is real science. The
a chronological account, a reader Bible record, believed literally,
can be tested in thinking that the places two humans on the earth
animals were created after Adam six thousand years ago, whose
(Gen. 2:19), though it does not say population increased over the next
that. In any case, no Bible believer 1,700 years until it was drowned
would think of going to “science out, leaving only eight humans on
falsely so called” (1 Tim. 6:20) to the earth some 4,400 years ago.
ask them anything, most certainly The present world population fig-
not of anything to do with origins. ures fit this scenario, and none of
False evolutionary science has the theories of the Bible rejecting
moved into a position that places world make sense. The laws of
the first man and woman (from mathematics defy their evolution-
apes) in Africa some two million ary pipe dreams.

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A Necessary
By Robert Militello This world is a spiritual desert
“Vanity of vanities, saith the without Jesus Christ. Those who
Preacher, vanity of vanities; ALL IS travel through it lost and far from God
VANITY” (Eccl. 1:2). are forever looking for water holes to
What a treasure this world received refresh their souls. That emptiness
when the book of Ecclesiastes was that God has put into all of us can only
put into the canon of sacred scripture. be filled by the Holy Spirit. Our world
This one book solves the great puzzle can never quench spiritual thirst.
as to what constitutes a meaningful “Jesus answered and said unto
life. The philosophy and wisdom of her, Whosoever drinketh of this
men fail because they do not take into water shall thirst again” (John 4:13).
account what God says about human The Samaritan woman at the well
nature and the effects of sin. was ready to try something different.
Solomon’s desire to taste all that “Sir, give me this water” (vs. 15).
life had to offer brought him to a With all the allurements this world puts
place where very few arrive today before the eyes of the lost, especially
because they associate happiness in our society, few will ever come to
with pursuing that which this world Solomon’s conclusion about how to
has to offer. Never in human history live life with real meaning.
has a consumer society such as ours “Let us hear the conclusion of the
been given the opportunity to indulge whole matter: Fear God, and keep
in its covetous cravings with such few his commandments: FOR THIS IS
restrictions. A bad harvest is now the THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN” (Eccl.
obvious result. 12:14).
“For Demas hath forsaken me, Actually, the book of Ecclesiastes
having loved this present world” (2 is an essay on the topic “Is life
Tim. 4:10). worthwhile?”. Solomon answered
There it is, the scourge of American that question honestly. He considers
Christianity—“having loved this the various ends or goals for which
present world.” Did Demas ever read people live and finds that each of
Ecclesiastes? If he did, was he able to these reasons brings only vanity and
see this world the way Solomon did frustration. Solomon’s essay brings
before he died? When a man travels the reader to a lonely place in his
through a desert parched and thirsty or her mind. It is meant to do that.
looking for water, his mind may slip Man’s wisdom is a dead-end street.
away so that he sees a mirage. Up It has an entrance but no exit apart
ahead, there appears to be an oasis. from death. The meaning of life is not
Endless miles of sand almost drive found by observing and recording our
him insane, but now water is in view. experiences. Nor is it discovered by
His unbearable thirst will be quenched, following through with our thoughts.
and he’ll revive. So he hopes. Continued on 26

A Necessary
Continued from 25 By the early 1950s, television
“And further, by these, my son, was bringing the world into the living
be admonished: of making many rooms of millions of American homes.
books there is no end: and much The desire to possess and enjoy
study is a weariness of the flesh” what this world can offer was put on
(Eccl. 12:12). steroids. Eventually, this would lead
Here is where time spent reading to a congregation saying, “I am rich,
Ecclesiastes should take you. “Love and increased with goods and have
not the world, neither the things need of nothing” (Rev. 3:17).
that are in the world. If any man love As the American church fattened
the world, the love of the Father is its bank accounts and built bigger
not in him” (1 John 2:15). buildings with more parking spaces,
Look around; there’s much to see. preaching on sin, judgment, and Hell
You would be wise to hide this word went on life support. The very thing
in your heart, or you will be another that would help a saint stay unspotted
Demas. by the world, the thought of giving an
“And the world passeth away, account at the Judgment Seat of Christ
and the lust thereof: be he that was rarely mentioned. Preaching in
doeth the will of God abideth for most churches degenerated into a
ever” (vs. 17). form of motivational speaking with
Do you think the apostle John spent a few Bible verses mixed into the
time reading Solomon? God gave us message to make the “sermon” seem
His word so we can read it with our spiritual. What saints really needed to
eyes. If this world distracts you, that hear was no longer preached.
Book will stay on the shelf, and you’ll “It is better to hear the rebuke of
bring a ton of regrets with you to the the wise, than for a man to hear the
Judgment Seat of Christ, where you song of fools” (Eccl. 7:5).
must appear. Solomon went as far as any man
While promoting the pursuit of could go with the wisdom of the natural
pleasure, there is a real downside to mind exercising itself with reading and
living a life of self-gratification which knowledge. Still, it seems that what
Solomon does not hide. his father wrote in Psalm 119:98-100
“Rejoice, O young man, in thy was not personally experienced in
youth; and let thy heart cheer thee his life. I say this because Solomon,
in the days of thy youth, and walk with all his wisdom, slipped into
in the ways of thine heart, and in gross idolatry. College degrees do
the sight of thine eyes” And then not remove the effects of sin from
this ominous caveat is inserted, “but the natural mind. Death is not put on
know thou, that for all these things hold because one has acquired a vast
GOD WILL BRING THEE INTO store of knowledge. Ecclesiastes 2:16
JUDGMENT” (Eccl. 11:9). Continued on 27

A Necessary
Continued from 26 Often, the Lord has to put a soul
asks this question and then stabs the into a sickbed or prison to get time
reader with this truth, “And how dieth enough for that soul to engage in real
the wise man? AS THE FOOL.” soul searching. Dark clouds can have
Men need revelation from God. silver linings if God’s word can get past
Science does not have the answers the curtain around a mind that rarely
to questions that really matter. Peter, thought about anything other than how
an ignorant fisherman, needed direct to please oneself. We are certifiably
revelation from heaven to know that blind apart from what God has chosen
Jesus was the promised Messiah (see to show us in His word. The Holy Spirit
Matt. 16:13–17). God has put a wall says as much in Revelation 3:17; “and
around man’s capacity to find truth knowest not that thou art wretched,
apart from grace and the operation of and miserable, and poor, AND
the Holy Spirit. BLIND.” Do you think we see what
“Then I beheld all the work of we need to see apart from the grace of
God, that a man cannot find out God? Don’t flatter yourself. The wisest
the work that is done under the among us are spiritually feeble when
sun: because though a man labour the scripture remains on a shelf.
to seek it out, yet he shall not find “For the LORD giveth wisdom:
it; yea further: though a wise man out of his mouth cometh knowledge
think to know it, YET SHALL HE and understanding” (Prov. 2:6).
NOT BE ABLE TO FIND IT” (Eccl. How will you answer the Lord at His
8:17). Judgment Seat when He asks why
There is a plan of action put into you so seldomly availed yourself of the
effect every time a soul reaches wisdom He provided you in His word?
the age of awareness and ventures “If any of you lack wisdom, let him
forth on life’s journey of discovery. ask of God, THAT GIVETH TO ALL
That satanic strategy which has filled MEN LIBERALLY, and upbraideth
up Hell with multiple billions for six not; and it shall be given him”
thousand years, involves planting (James 1:5).
distraction after distraction to keep an There is a general assumption that
inquisitive mind from finally reaching as you age, you get wiser. On the
Solomon’s conclusion in Ecclesiastes other hand, you surely have heard the
12:13–14. All the means at the devil’s expression, “There’s no fool like an old
disposal are employed to keep you fool.” Well, I have dealt with a great
from spending time thinking about number of lost older folks concerning
where you are eventually going when their spiritual condition and readiness
life ends. In these last days, the devil to leave this world. For the most part,
has an abundance of tools, thanks to the passing years did not make them
technology, to keep you perpetually wiser in spiritual matters. Most world
distracted. Continued on 28

A Necessary
Continued from 27 are beasts” (Eccl. 3:18).
views harden over time. Also, the God’s word is a mirror that shows
philosophy of fatalism gains ground in all. There is no way to airbrush out of
the thought life of many seniors. “What the picture the sores of your soul—the
will be will be,” and “You can’t teach an damage done by sin. Our Bible is a
old dog new tricks.” These come from referral agent pointing us to the One
the lips of those who really don’t want who treats all maladies of mind, heart,
to examine what the scripture teaches and soul. Job said, “I have esteemed
concerning death and the destination the words of his mouth more than
of their souls. Few get saved when my necessary food” (Job 23:12).
their years pass seventy, seventy-five, Does the last days’ church in America
eighty, and beyond. Solomon died at share Job’s conviction?
sixty. He was crowned at twenty. Did Where is man today? Has his
his lifestyle lead to a shortening of his nature changed since Adam? “Seeing
years? You judge. there be many things that increase
When all is said and done, what vanity, what is man the better” (Eccl.
lessons do we learn in life? When the 6:11).
years pass and you become more There’s food for thought. Private
reflective concerning how you handled citizens can now go into space for a
various challenges and relationships, joy ride (if they can afford it), and we
the law of sowing and reaping becomes are becoming more like the gods.
undeniable. You understand that you We can look down upon our planet.
do reap what you sow and that your These things our grandparents never
reaping can be most unpleasant. On dreamed of; God’s word says all of
the other hand, a life lived fearing God this is vanity; folks don’t like their
and being generous towards those accomplishments to be spoken about
less fortunate brings a contentment of in such a manner. The Bible is not
soul that few even know exists in this positive toward mankind. Scripture
world of woe. has few real friends in these last days.
Our materialistic society has I feel out of place in this world, and I
produced an abundance of narcissistic blame one book for that. All the other
malcontents who cannot hide their books I’ve read (lots and lots of them)
joylessness no matter how much never made me feel that way. You
pleasure they give themselves to. can’t thank God enough for the food
Without Jesus Christ, a man wants to He offers the hungry soul every time
go through life hiding from what God you open His word.
wants to reveal in him. Why is man so slow to seek for
“I said in mine heart concerning truth? Solomon had an inquisitive
the estate of the sons of men, that streak in him that bordered on
God might manifest them and that psychotic. How else do you explain
they might see that they themselves Continued on 30

How to Have Victory tract

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  1.  There is no final authority but God.
  2.  Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read,
felt, or handled.
  3.  Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final
and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong, what constitutes truth and
what constitutes error. 
  4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a
BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infal-
lible and final authority by which to judge truth and error. 
  5.  However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired them was
unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing Christians at Antioch
(Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13:1), and where the first missionary
trip originated (Acts 13:1-52), and where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26). 
  6.  So God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers
from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2),
Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s
bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). 
  7.  So there are two streams of Bibles. The most accurate—though, of course, there
is no final, absolute authority for determining truth and error; it is a matter of “pref-
erence”—are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the
originals,” although not quite. 
  8.  The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German
Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, et al.) and the worldwide
missionary movement of the English-speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey,
Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 
  9.  But we can “tolerate” these if those who believe in them will “tolerate” US. After
all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read,
teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of “PREFERENCE.” You may
prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer. Let us live in peace, and if we
cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO

This is the Creed of the Alexandrian Cult.


A Necessary
Continued from 28 and the peculiar treasure of kings
this statement? “And I gave my heart and of provinces” (vs. 8).
to know wisdom and TO KNOW When we hear how much men like
MADNESS AND FOLLY: I perceived Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Zuckerberg
that this also is vexation of spirit” of Facebook are worth, we ask, “How
(Eccl. 1:17). much does any man need?” Solomon
The Germans have a word for hoped excess would satisfy his soul.
what Solomon had—wanderlust. An Such thinking has led to a fivefold
adventurous spirit gets you in trouble. increase in the number of practicing
Today, because of the power of media psychiatrists in America over the last
and advertising, we are invited to taste thirty years. No surprise here. Paul did
all that this world has to offer. You say that in the last days of the church,
might as well buy a ticket to Hell with men would be lovers of their own
a “half off” coupon. Solomon was not selves, covetousness, etc. (see 2 Tim.
afraid of overindulging when it came 3:1–7). American cities are breeding
to building a harem. Oriental kings do grounds for unhappiness and despair.
not believe one man and one woman I saw it in New York City, but being
is the only way to go. They embrace spiritually blind, I didn’t understand
at an early age the expressions men why this was so.
use to justify their philandering—“the Ecclesiastes brings a seeking soul
more, the merrier,” or “variety is the to the door of understanding of what
spice of life.” I believe King Solomon really matters in life, but it does not
wasted little time joining the Playboy explain the cause of men’s misery.
Club of his time. He made Hugh Folks choose to drive without Jesus
Hefner (1926–2017), the publisher of Christ sitting next to them, telling them
Playboy magazine, look like an altar how to drive and what streets and
boy. If having seven hundred wives roads to take. Life without the Lord
and three hundred concubines doesn’t directing your steps is driving blind.
qualify as an astounding achievement, Many crash and fall into Hell because
I don’t know what would. a book they could have read stayed
You have to admire Solomon’s way closed.
of telling it like it is when it comes to “And this is the condemnation,
characterizing himself. He boasted that light is come into the world, and
about his lack of restraint. MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER
“And whatsoever mine eyes THAN LIGHT, BECAUSE THEIR
desired I kept not from them, I DEEDS WERE EVIL” (John 3:19).
withheld not my heart from any joy” Open the pure words of God as often
(Eccl. 2:10). as you are able and then pray, “Open
All of chapter 2, from verse 1 to 10, thou mine eyes, that I may behold
is an ode to the joy of covetousness. wondrous things out of thy law”
“I gathered me also silver and gold, (Psa. 119:18).

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Bad Attitude
Speakers for this Blowout:
● John Robinson ● Bobby Utley

● Adrian Dominguez

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Morning Services (Beginning Fri.)—10 A.M.

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