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Directions: Explain the purpose of communication in the following field.

The purpose of communication in call centers is

to help and inform the customer about certain product
or services. Every company had their own customer
care services. Good communication between call
center is the important part of customer service
success, when the employees have the understanding
about their company’s practices, products/services and
values, they will perform their roles better with skill and
The purpose of communication in news is to
keep us updated or inform on what are the latest
happenings, issue, events, etc. in our country or in the
whole world. News can be entertaining too, but the
most important is the content or the value of the
information being delivered. News anchor should have
strong verbal and written communication skills in order
to deliver the true message of the news or the

The purpose of communication in politics is to

persuade and inform the public about their stances and
solution in every certain problem or topic in the country
enable for them to be elected. Also communication in
politics is essential, because if there is no
communication at all, the system of our government will
not be able to perform or function effectively since they
didn’t have a coordination.

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