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when Shaving With Standard Razor (Modern-Blade Safety Razor)

I. Pre-Shave
a. Wash or soak beard during shower with warm/hot water
b. (optional) Hot towel/rag soaked with hot water (as hot as you can
stand) hold against or wrap over face for 2-5 minutes
c. Run new (perfectly sharp) razor under hot water for at least 30 sec-1
minute to heat metal and clean debris out
d. use hands to splash warm/hot water on beard - DO NOT DRY OFF
e. Apply shave cream - let it sit/soak in for approx. 1-2 minutes

II. Shave
a. Depending on desired degree of closeness (closer=more irritated)
choose direction of shave
i. with grain
ii. sideways across grain
iii. against grain
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS follow above direction in order i, ii, iii. NEVER
shave against grain until you've shaved with and across it.
b. Divide face into sections, cheeks, neck, sideburns, upper lip, chin
c. Always use the least number of complete strokes necessary
d. Concentrating on one section at a time, use LIGHT (very little
pressure) very short strokes to make one complete pass in one direction
(short stroke, start next short stroke slightly overlapping - think of lightly
'wiping' off all of the shave cream - don't think of it as 'using a sharp blade to
shave hair off of skin.'
i. Never change direction during pass of short, light, wiping,
overlapping strokes.
ii. After EVERY pass of short strokes, rinse razor by holding &
shaking under forceful stream of hot/warm water.
e. Note: Complete all of current section using 'with grain' then across &
then against, if desired.

III. Post-Shave
a. When finished shaving with razor, do not immediately rinse face with
water. Gently wipe off leftover shave cream from face with clean, dry towel.
b. Immediately after wiping off excess cream, liberally apply after-shave
or post-shave lotion/balm to face and neck with clean, dry hands.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS apply post-shave product IN THE DIRECTION OF
BEARD GROWTH (WITH GRAIN), don't forget to use proper direction on
neck when shaving and applying lotion! (most beards grown down on cheeks
& chin and UP on neck).

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