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Gavin Deol E&M 9/10

Mar. 7th, 2023 Block A

Branding and Packaging

For my product logo, the brand identity I am trying to establish is a new and opulent
version of your standard toothpastes. The name I chose was “PurplePaste” because it is
minimalistic and straight to the point, corresponding to the vibe of my product. The font I
decided to use on my logo and packaging is a skinny sleek font that gives my product an elegant
look which resonates with my product’s identity of being a new tasteful product. I decided to
have my color palate be purple and blue because they are next to each other on the color
wheel, and it makes sense for me to use purple since my toothpaste is purple. Purple and blue
are also cool toned colors which gives my product a calming and luxurious feel. The visual part
of my logo is a toothbrush made from stretched out teardrop shapes to resemble the handle of
a toothbrush. I then used a purple to blue gradient as the color scheme for these shapes
because it matches my product’s color palate. My name and logo accomplish this goal because
the logo is minimalistic and easy on the eyes, my product name displays exactly what the
product is while also being unique, and every component that went into creating these two
factors of my products logo was thought and planned out according to what I wanted my brand
identity to be, which is new and simplistic. Customers will be able to easily identify my brand
because of its distinctive toothbrush logo and packaging and its straight to the point name.
Gavin Deol E&M 9/10
Mar. 7th, 2023 Block A

When designing my product packaging I decided to stick with the sleek purple and blue
look of my product and carry that over to the toothpaste tube and box. Once I had the colors of
my toothpaste packaging down, it would be sense to use my logo on the contents on and inside
the box which includes the toothpaste tube. The form of my packaging is a standard toothpaste
box and tube with my design on it. The function of my packaging is to contain and dispense

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