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Soil Preparation and Sowing of Seeds

People are generally mistaken about what the first step of farming or
agriculture is. We assume that it is the sowing of seeds. But even before
the seeds are sown for germination, we must ensure that the soil is ready
for farming. This it is the process of soil preparation.

Table of content

1 Suggested Videos
2 Soil Preparation
2.1 Ploughing
2.2 Levelling
2.3 Manuring
3 Sowing of Seeds
3.1 Methods of sowing seeds
3.2 Precautions to be taken while sowing seeds
4 Solved Example for You
5 FAQ’s for You

Suggested Videos

Preparation of Soil

Agricultural Practices

Kharif and Rabi Crops

Preparation of Soil
Agricultural Practices
Kharif and Rabi Crops

Soil Preparation
As we discussed, soil preparation is the first step to be followed when
we start the agricultural process. It usually entails the loosening up of
the top layer of soil i.e. topsoil. Plants absorb water and nutrients from
the soil through their roots, hence it is essential to prepare the soil, so
we can hav

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